"Max Connetion Pool"

  • Hi

    We have migrated our db server from SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition to SQL Server 2014 Standard edition. One of our web site connecting to this SQL Server 2014 db server. When we are going to connect our web site to this db server we have encountered following issues. We would appreciate if anyone can clarify.

    1. In SQL Server 2014 when we add the Max Pool Size to connection string site is doesn't load, When we remove the Max Pool Size site from connection string site is loaded.

    i. Why this happen ?

    ii. What happen If we remove the "Max Pool Size" from connection string ?

    iii. "Max Pool Size" is this mandatory setting for connection string ?

    2. In SQL Server 2008 we have added max pool size to connection string cause without max pool size our web site down during the certain times once we add the max pool size the issue is resolved.

    i. Why this happen ?



  • Harshana-455711 (1/1/2016)


    We have migrated our db server from SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition to SQL Server 2014 Standard edition. One of our web site connecting to this SQL Server 2014 db server. When we are going to connect our web site to this db server we have encountered following issues. We would appreciate if anyone can clarify.

    1. In SQL Server 2014 when we add the Max Pool Size to connection string site is doesn't load, When we remove the Max Pool Size site from connection string site is loaded.

    i. Why this happen ?

    The connection string attribute is unknown to SQL Server, i.e. only the .NET application will know or respond to the connection string attribute as the application is what is maintaining the connection pool not SQL Server. Are you seeing an error you can share?

    ii. What happen If we remove the "Max Pool Size" from connection string ?

    Your application will use the default number, 100 connections.

    iii. "Max Pool Size" is this mandatory setting for connection string ?


    2. In SQL Server 2008 we have added max pool size to connection string cause without max pool size our web site down during the certain times once we add the max pool size the issue is resolved.

    i. Why this happen ?

    Likely because your application was getting more than 100 concurrent database requests at certain times. If your connection pool is 100 and your have 150 threads in your application that need something from the database then 50 will be queued waiting for a connection. If they wait too long then you can start seeing timeouts from the application layer. Increasing the number the pool will support allows more threads to access the database. However, increasing the number implies your application server and database server can handle that number of requests, i.e. there is a tipping point where your application server might try allowing 500 database requests but your database server will not be able to serve that many concurrent requests.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hi Orlando

    Thanks a lot for your support, I'll check & share the error as soon as possible.



  • Hi Oralando

    Finally solved the issue, issue is missing the few configuration settings in webconfig file. Thanks a lot for your support.



  • From your description it never made sense to me that it would be the Pool size setting alone causing the issue. Thanks for posting back and you're welcome. Happy you got it sorted.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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