Matrix - Query with Outer Join show null records

  • I have a matrix report with a query behind it that has an outer join so that all colums are show. Basically, the data is sales by month by sub-region. The report is provided for a region (based on parameter from another report). I added an outer join to show all months (columns) regardless if there were sales. The rows are sub-regions (defined by the region) and columns being the month. However, the result of the query is a null for a subregions with the data under each month showing as a null. I would like the ability to show all months, but do not want show the row with null values for sales. Is there a way to hide this row? It can't be done in the query because if I just filter by not null in the sub-region the months with no data disappear from the matrix report.


  • Can you post your table and query? Sample data would help.

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