Matrix not Sorting

  • Hi,

    I have a query that select exported products by sea and air per month but now when i put the info on a matrix my month do not order
    I tried with a find last week it ordered but stopped pulling correct values
    What can i do?
    Kindly see below{Do not mind the values they are fabricated} NB Check Months = I am getiinng the wrong one currently

    ServiTypeProductDestination SubregionJanuaryFebruaryMarchApril
    Air ExportsBLACKBERRIESEuropean Union           774            200            800            950
    Middle East     15,721         1,366            253         2,000
    Sea ExportsBLUEBERRIESAfrica        3,002            258            500            365
    Asia        2,926            600         3,000         7,000
    ServiTypeProductDestination SubregionAprilFebruaryJanuaryMarch
    Air ExportsBLACKBERRIESEuropean Union           774            200            800            950
    Middle East     15,721         1,366            253         2,000
    Sea ExportsBLUEBERRIESAfrica        3,002            258            500            365
    Asia        2,926            600         3,000         7,000
  • Looks like your months are ordering, alphabetically. You need to set your ordering by month number, not name.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanx😀

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