September 27, 2012 at 4:16 am
I am trying to sum up some data based on an iif statement in an expression ni a Matrix table.
In basic form its:
iif(Fields!A.Value = "Y", sum(Fields!B.Value),0)
Because fields b contains NULL and empty "values" the sum will not work.
I have tried using the following to eliminate NULLs and empty "Values":
iif(Fields!A.Value = "Y", iif(Fields!B.Value IS NOTHING or Fields!B.Value = "" ,0,sum(Fields!B.Value)),0)
Also tried
iif(Fields!A.Value = "Y", iif(Fields!B.Value = "null" or Fields!B.Value = "" ,0,sum(Fields!B.Value)),0)
Both seem not to work.
Does anyone know how to deal with these Values?
September 27, 2012 at 4:30 am
can you provide more details? or a sample code?
containing output scenario based on the inputs.
September 27, 2012 at 4:57 am
Hi Vivek,
Well thats basically it.
I have one dataset just so that I can test.
It has multiple colums and I look at a particulat column that has either Y or N (Yes of No) and based on what value I want I want to sum up a count row to get the total count.
This is what my actual Expression looks like:
=iif(Fields!INTERNET_DISCOUNT_IND.Value = "Y",iif(Fields!Policy___Record_Count.Value is nothing or Fields!Policy___Record_Count.Value = "",0,sum(Fields!Policy___Record_Count.Value)),0)
Results either return a zero or error.
September 27, 2012 at 10:01 am
try case statement
WHEN Fields!A.Value = "Y" THEN sum(Fields!B.Value)
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