Math Functions within Case When

  • Hi Guys,

    I need to know how to do division, subtraction and multiplation within an CASE WHEN statement... below is my TSQL.

    CASE WHEN ColumnName IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ((ColumnName1-ColumnName2)/ColumnName3)*100 END AS 'Alias'

    Please help


  • So, what's the question?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • hey my question is

    the logic between ELSE and END

    how do I write that out in TSQL ? or have I written it right?


  • Yerp, that's correct as it is. Just add a SELECT to the beginning, and a FROM, and replace the column names with your actual field names, and you're in business. (You also don't need the single quotes around Alias)


    SELECT CASE WHEN ColumnName IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ((ColumnName1-ColumnName2)/ColumnName3)*100 END AS 'Alias'

    FROM SomeTable

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Thanks!


  • It comes back with an error... Do you want to see my full query?


  • SELECT CalDay5.Yr AS C0,

    CalDay5.CalDt AS C1,


    COUNT(Loc.Loc_PK) AS LocsReported,

    CalDay5.PerOfYrNbr AS C3,

    CalDay5.WkOfYrNbr AS C4,






    SELECT CASE WHEN LR.CompCurrSales IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE (('LR.CompCurrSales'-'LR.CompHistSales'/'LR.CompHistSales')*(100)) END AS 'Comp Sales Percentage' FROM Fct_LocRollup,

    FROM Fct_LocRollup LR, Loc Loc, Sys S,

    ( /*Derived Table-->*/

    SELECT CalDay.CalDt AS CalDt,

    CalDay.Yr AS Yr,

    CalDay.PerOfYrNbr AS PerOfYrNbr,

    CalDay.WkOfYrNbr AS WkOfYrNbr,

    CalDay.DayOfWkNbr AS DayOfWkNbr

    FROM dbo.CalDay CalDay

    WHERE CalDay.CalID = '9da74ff3-74a5-46cb-a4ef-ee5f1409b0d8'


    CalDay5 /*<--Derived Table*/

    WHERE LR.Cal_PK = 21

    AND LR.Loc_PK = Loc.Loc_PK

    AND Loc.SysID = S.SysID

    AND Loc.Alias NOT in ('00000001', '0000002', '0000003', '0000004', '00501', '9999', 'POSI_00001', 'POSI_00002', 'SQUIRREL_00002', 'SQUIRREL_00003', 'SQUIRREL_00004')

    --AND LR.BusDt >= '1/1/2006'

    AND LR.XTD = 2


    AND CalDay5.Yr between 2006 and 2008

    AND CalDay5.DayOfWkNbr between 7 and 7

    AND CalDay5.CalDt = LR.BusDt

    GROUP BY --LR.BusDt,









    ORDER BY C1, /*LR.BusDt,*/ Loc.Alias


  • Whats the difference between Column names and Field Names? I thought both were same


  • What is the error??

  • Remove single quotes from (('LR.CompCurrSales'-'LR.CompHistSales'/'LR.CompHistSales')*

    You are working with the field values, not with the literals.

  • You've been attacked by Single quotes! FIND COVER! (Sorry, it's Friday, and I need a beer)(And the Select and from's I told you to add were from when I thought you were running this by itself) Additionally, you're using old syntax, which I've converted into JOIN's. Give this a shot.

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT     CalDay5.Yr AS C0,

       CalDay5.CalDt AS C1,


       COUNT(Loc.Loc_PK) AS LocsReported,

       CalDay5.PerOfYrNbr AS C3,

       CalDay5.WkOfYrNbr AS C4,

       REPLACE(,'ZAXBY/','') AS POS,





    CASE WHEN LR.CompCurrSales IS NULL

       THEN 0

       ELSE (((LR.CompCurrSales-LR.CompHistSales)/LR.CompHistSales)*(100))

       END AS [Comp Sales Percentage]

    FROM   Fct_LocRollup LR

           INNER JOIN Loc Loc ON LR.Loc_PK = Loc.Loc_PK

           INNER JOIN [Sys] S ON Loc.SysID = S.SysID

           INNER JOIN (  SELECT CalDay.CalDt AS CalDt, --Derived Table

                    CalDay.Yr AS Yr,  CalDay.PerOfYrNbr AS PerOfYrNbr,

                    CalDay.WkOfYrNbr AS WkOfYrNbr,  CalDay.DayOfWkNbr AS DayOfWkNbr

                   FROM dbo.CalDay CalDay

                   WHERE CalDay.CalID = '9da74ff3-74a5-46cb-a4ef-ee5f1409b0d8'

            )  CalDay5 ON CalDay5.CalDt = LR.BusDt

    WHERE LR.Cal_PK = 21

       AND Loc.Alias  NOT  IN ('00000001', '0000002', '0000003', '0000004', '00501', '9999', 'POSI_00001', 'POSI_00002', 'SQUIRREL_00002', 'SQUIRREL_00003', 'SQUIRREL_00004')

       --AND LR.BusDt >= '1/1/2006'

       AND LR.XTD = 2


       AND CalDay5.Yr BETWEEN 2006 AND 2008

       AND CalDay5.DayOfWkNbr BETWEEN 7 AND 7

    GROUP BY --LR.BusDt,

       LR.AdjNetSales, LR.CompCurrSales, LR.CompHistSales, CalDay5.Yr,



    ORDER BY C1, /*LR.BusDt,*/ Loc.Alias


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Hey Glen... Thanks for the information... it not only correct my problem but also I learned soemthing new..........

    Sorry.. i'm kinda new to SQL development..



  • Hey Thanks buddy.. yes not your fault... I'm sorry I didnt let you know that it wasnt the only thing I was working with.. but is your query more efficient?

    It looks nicer than mine.. I could possibly impress my manager with it!! 😀 It just took 3 more seconds than the other one to execute... regardless THANK YOU Garadin!


  • Sure. Good luck and take a look on syntacs suggested in Garadin message. Not that old syntacs is not going to work, but since you are new to SQL server it is better to learn how to use it the proper way from the beginning 🙂

  • Omair Aleem (11/14/2008)

    Hey Thanks buddy.. yes not your fault... I'm sorry I didnt let you know that it wasnt the only thing I was working with.. but is your query more efficient?

    It looks nicer than mine.. I could possibly impress my manager with it!! 😀 It just took 3 more seconds than the other one to execute... regardless THANK YOU Garadin!

    Nope, shouldn't be any more efficient... it's just using newer syntax. These two statements are exactly the same:

    SELECT A.*

    FROM TableA A, TableB B


    SELECT A.*

    FROM TableA A


    I did make one change (I doubt it'd account for 3 seconds difference, but it's probably one you want to make anyways) to your case statement that I didn't note; I added a set of parens.


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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