Matching Values

  • Check this :



     @Pos int,

     @MyNumb int


    RETURNS  varchar(400)



     DECLARE @TempResult varchar(400)

     DECLARE @MinValue int

     DECLARE @NewValue int

     --check to see if a number matches myValue

     IF EXISTS(SELECT Value FROM MyTable WHERE Value=@MyNumb)

      RETURN '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@MyNumb))

     --if no Value was found then iterate trough table until the Value in table is less than MyValue

     SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

     WHILE (@Pos>0 AND @NewValue>@MyNumb)


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1  

      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos


     WHILE (@Pos>0)


      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

      SET @TempResult=dbo.Function_Name(@Pos,@MyNumb-@NewValue)  

      IF @TempResult<>''


       SET @TempResult= '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@NewValue)) + @TempResult

       RETURN @TempResult


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1


     RETURN ''


    And the QA



    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[MyTable]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] (

     [Value] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [Col] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (15)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (10)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (21)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (25)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (26)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (30)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (30)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (40)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (41)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (45)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (50)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (55)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (60)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (60)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (65)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (70)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (75)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (80)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (85)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (90)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (95)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (100)

    INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES (105)

    DECLARE @myAmount NUMERIC(12,2)  SET @myAmount = 88 -- SET THIS VALUE AS VALUE TO BE FOUND

    DECLARE @MyCol int

    SELECT @MyCol=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable

    SELECT dbo.FUNCTION_NAME(@MyCol,@myAmount)




    If you allow more comb than 1 for a number than the code changes a little

    Example I have a value of 40 and I can use it 3 times to get my result

    Kindest Regards,


  • Small improvement to func since is TSQL... : )




     @Pos int,

     @MyNumb int


    RETURNS  varchar(400)



     DECLARE @TempResult varchar(400)

     DECLARE @MinValue int

     DECLARE @NewValue int

     --check to see if a number matches myValue

     IF EXISTS(SELECT Value FROM MyTable WHERE Value=@MyNumb)

      RETURN '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@MyNumb))

     --if no Value was found then iterate trough table until the Value in table is less than MyValue

    /* SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

     WHILE (@Pos>0 AND @NewValue>@MyNumb)


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1  

      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos



     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb

     WHILE (@Pos>0)


      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

      SET @TempResult=dbo.Function_Name(@Pos,@MyNumb-@NewValue)  

      IF @TempResult<>''


       SET @TempResult= '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@NewValue)) + @TempResult

       RETURN @TempResult


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1


     RETURN ''


    Kindest Regards,


  • This script doesn't work for me... I'm sure it's nothing but I can't find it.

  • Thanks Vasc. It will take a while for me to get this logic.

    But When I tried this

    DECLARE @myAmount NUMERIC(12,2)  SET @myAmount = 500 -- SET THIS VALUE AS VALUE TO BE FOUND

    DECLARE @MyCol int

    SELECT @MyCol=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable

    SELECT dbo.FUNCTION_NAME(@MyCol,@myAmount)

    I get this

    105  105  105  105  80 -- 105 we have only once but it repeats to give the answer. Can you please check this.


  • Ups : ))

    I m missing here the part where you actually put some data in MyTable srry


    Kindest Regards,


  • Replace

     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb


     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb and Col<@Pos



    Kindest Regards,


  • Thanks Noel. I would do it by any means either in SQL or Front END through whatever I Can. Still I am totally lost with the logic to do that.


  • Remember that if you want to use SQl you have to be carefull about


    Nested stored procedure levels32


    cause you won't be safe if you have more than 32 rows in your table

    Kindest Regards,


  • Thanks Vsac. It works cool for most cases now. I think it needs little fine tuning as

    For 1206 it gives two hundreds(We have one in the table).

    ADD : I don't this It can ever reach 32. I will eliminate the rows like so all equel and greater values will be gone as we don't needem in the calculations

     DECLARE @myValues TABLE



      Value   NUMERIC(10,2))


     INSERT INTO @myValues (Value)

     SELECT Value FROM @Values WHERE Value < @myAmount




     @Pos int,

     @MyNumb int


    RETURNS  varchar(400)



     DECLARE @TempResult varchar(400)

     DECLARE @MinValue int

     DECLARE @NewValue int

     SELECT @MinValue=SUM(Value) FROM MyTable WHERE Col<@Pos

     IF @MyNumb>@MinValue RETURN ''

     --check to see if a number matches myValue

     IF EXISTS(SELECT Value FROM MyTable WHERE Value=@MyNumb)

      RETURN '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@MyNumb))

     --if no Value was found then iterate trough table until the Value in table is less than MyValue

     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb and Col<@Pos

     WHILE (@Pos>0)


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1

      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

      SET @TempResult=dbo.Function_Name(@Pos,@MyNumb-@NewValue)  

      IF @TempResult<>''


       SET @TempResult= '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@NewValue)) + @TempResult

       RETURN @TempResult




     RETURN ''


    Kindest Regards,


  • Could someone post the whole thing (create table, insert date and some test).. I'd like to save that somewhere for safekeeping... and actually understanding what's happening .

  • Good Job!!!

    --Check this :

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[RecursiveValues]


     @Pos int,

     @MyNumb int


    RETURNS  varchar(400)



     DECLARE @TempResult varchar(400)

     DECLARE @MinValue int

     DECLARE @NewValue int

     SELECT @MinValue=SUM(Value) FROM MyTable WHERE Col<@Pos

     IF @MyNumb>@MinValue RETURN ''

     --check to see if a number matches myValue

     IF EXISTS(SELECT Value FROM MyTable WHERE Value=@MyNumb)

      RETURN '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@MyNumb))

     --if no Value was found then iterate trough table until the Value in table is less than MyValue

     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb and Col<@Pos

     WHILE (@Pos>0)


      SET @Pos=@Pos-1

      SELECT @NewValue=Value FROM MyTable WHERE Col=@Pos

      SET @TempResult=dbo.RecursiveValues(@Pos,@MyNumb-@NewValue) 

      IF @TempResult<>''


       SET @TempResult= '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@NewValue)) + @TempResult

       RETURN @TempResult




     RETURN ''



    --And the QA



    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[MyTable]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] (

     [Value] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [Col] [int] identity(1,1) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (15)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (10)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (21)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (25)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (26)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (30)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (30)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (40)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (41)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (45)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (50)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (55)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (60)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (60)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (65)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (70)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (75)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (80)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (85)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (90)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (95)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (100)

    INSERT INTO MyTable (Value) VALUES (105)

    DECLARE @myAmount NUMERIC(12,2)  SET @myAmount = 88 -- SET THIS VALUE AS VALUE TO BE FOUND

    DECLARE @MyCol int

    SELECT @MyCol=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable where value <= @myAmount

    SELECT dbo.RecursiveValues(@MyCol,@myAmount)

    I think if this is rewriten without recursion it will be better for SQL but if you doit on client side Stack space is more abundant


    * Noel

  • Sorry Vsac I am really embarrassed since still I did not get your logic and just testing your code. So I am bothering you again to fine tune.

    For 88 and all consecutive Numbers this works great.

    For 263 it gives 21 twice.

    For 883 and higher values it doesn't return any value.

    Remi I will do that when we are done with this

    added - Same with your function Noel


  • Thanx govinn...

    Are you sure there's a match for 883??

  • Yes Remi I got it with

    SELECT SUM(value) FROM [MyTable] WHERE COL < 20

    Question to Vasc

    Can we ignore this tw steps as I make sure The table queried will not have matcihng value or a value greater than @MyNumb

    So Any Value will be smaller than @MyNumb

     --check to see if a number matches myValue

     IF EXISTS(SELECT Value FROM MyTable WHERE Value=@MyNumb)

      RETURN '  ' + LTRIM(STR(@MyNumb))

     --if no Value was found then iterate trough table until the Value in table is less than MyValue

     SELECT @NewValue=MAX(Value), @Pos=MAX(Col) FROM MyTable WHERE Value<@MyNumb and Col<@Pos

    Added : Sorry I got the logic it is needed


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