matching similar addresses

  • I am looking to "match" addresses in two separate table from different vendors. Matching addresses may be slightly different because they come from different suppliers. I am looking for a script to try to match addresses from these two separate tables.

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  • I dont have a script, usually done in VB code, at least part of it. What we do is try to standardize the address by converting Street to ST, Avenue to AVE, etc, remove all spaces, then compare. The more you can standaridize the better it works. We usually build this derived value once and store, then we can join to do the actual compare.


  • There are many answers to this, but I agree with Andy that the best place to start is to standardize your address before doing any matching. We developed had a few strategies employed by various people over the last few months including correction tables etc, but decided to invest in an address correction package. There are a few out there depending on your needs, the package we are testing is provided by First Logic and is called PostalSoft incredibly powerfull and will correct and standardize about a million addresses in less than an hour on a tiny box.

    There are other products, web engines etc that will correct and standardize an address i.e.

    The matching is easy, but only once you have standardized the address.

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