match near date based on another date

  • hello,  i am stuck and need some help to generate output based on the below scenario

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#t1') is not null

    DROP TABLE #t1

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#t2') is not null

    DROP TABLE #t2

    create table #t1


    userid int,

    maildate date


    insert into #t1


    1, '2021-05-04'

    union select 1, '2021-04-13'

    union select 1, '2020-11-03'

    union select 1, '2020-10-30'

    select * from #t1

    create table #t2


    userid int,

    addr varchar(50),

    addr_update_dt date


    insert into #t2

    select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2021-08-27'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2021-06-12'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2021-04-13'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2021-02-13'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2020-10-06'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2020-09-26'

    union select 1,'teaneck ,NJ' , '2020-09-26'

    UNION SELECT 1, 'CARY,NC', '2015-06-23'

    --expected output for mail date provide the nearst match date

    --userid , mail_date, adr_update_dt

    select 1 as useid, '2021-05-04' as mail_date,'2021-04-13' as adr_update_dt

    union select 1, '2021-04-13','2021-02-13'

    union select 1, '2020-11-03','2020-10-06'

    union select 1, '2020-10-30','2020-09-26'


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  mxy.
  • SELECT T1.userid, T1.maildate, X.addr_update_dt
    FROM #t1 T1
    SELECT TOP (1) T2.addr_update_dt
    FROM #t2 T2
    WHERE T2.userid = T1.userid
    AND T2.addr_update_dt < T1.maildate
    ORDER BY T2.addr_update_dt DESC
    ) X
    ORDER BY maildate DESC;

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  Ken McKelvey.

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