Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Introduction

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Introduction

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Thank you so much for the valuable information.

    I would like to ask you if it's possible to download this video.

    Best Regards,


  • Thank you for WOW introduction. This topic made us DBA feel like " because you are worth it". Please keep us updated with rest of modules.

    Kind regards


  • Brad,

    Well done and thanks!

    I've referred to your e-book on the profiler quite a few times, it's a valuable resource!


  • Thanks, this is a subject that interests me and I like your presentation speed and succintness.

    -- Optimist with experience and still learning

  • Any one having trouble viewing this video, for me it is showing only half the picture. I tried increasing the resolution, lowering the text size, still only a partial video is visible. I look forward to knowing more about sql server profiler.

  • Hi,

    I can see also, only half (1/2) of the screen video. :pinch:

    Maybe I can't manage the time and the resources to follow the course.

    What about seeing the videos in full screen mode ?

    Thank You for your attention.

  • I also noticed that the video's are sometimes cut off, and I have forwarded this to the web developers.

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Anil Gupta (4/30/2009)

    Thank you for WOW introduction. This topic made us DBA feel like " because you are worth it". Please keep us updated with rest of modules.

    Kind regards


    All of the videos are available at:

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Thanks a mill .. Have nice lonngggg weekend.

  • I have the same problem. I can only see the left half of the video. Even when I goto the link provided it is the same way.

  • Excellent series. Profiler is such a valuable tool and so underutlized. Look forward to the rest of the videos.

  • The most common why the video is cut off is that the screen resolution you are using may not be high enough. Try a higher screen resolution and see if the problem goes away.

    Brad M. McGehee

  • Hello, Brad McGehee

    The video, Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Introduction, with screen resolution 1280x1024 don´t fit in the screen. This is the maximum resolution that I can use in My PC.The items related tags and related contents, hide the right part of this video.

    Usually I use 1024x768, to save my Eyes.

    The video, Using Profiler - SQL School Video, By Brian Knight it´s OK.

    Thank you

  • Hello Brad,

    In IE, I tried with the maximum allowed resolution on my PC 1280x1024, still part of the slides to the right cutsoff and any screen shots you show at this high resolution will make it impossible to see unless one has a a magnifying glass.

    So, I tried in FIREFOX browser I can view in lower resolution also at 1024x768, at this resolution I can see your screen shots without a problem, it seems to be working fine.

    Looks like the problem is web page with adboe flash player was not tested using IE.

    Thank you very much for bringing us the profiler lessons.


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