Mass Value changed on Value after float point When convert from float to varcha?

  • I work on SQL Server 2012. When using Stuff to collect data separated by comma, I get strange results. Mass number separated by comma in table #tmpParts

    Not exactly what exist in the original table #TempPC.

    To summarize my issue mass for part 5223986-2 for aluminium

    is 580.28613 in table #TempPC

    is 580.286 in table #tmpParts

    Why values changed for mass and how to separated by comma exactly as input on mass values #Temppc .

    Also another value changed

    PartNumber nvarchar(50),
    Substance nvarchar(100),
    Mass Float,

    INSERT INTO #TempPc (PartNumber, Substance, Mass)
    ('5223986-2', 'Copper', 33.73757),
    ('5223986-2', 'Zinc', 12824.526),
    ('5223986-2', 'Aluminum', 580.28613),
    ('5223986-5', 'Copper', 33.73756),
    ('5223986-5', 'Zinc', 12824.52563),
    ('5223986-5', 'Aluminum', 580.28612)

    CREATE TABLE #tmpParts
    PartNumber nvarchar(50),
    cnt INT,
    strSubstances NVARCHAR(MAX),
    strMass NVARCHAR(MAX)

    INSERT INTO #tmpParts (PartNumber, cnt)
    t.PartNumber, COUNT(t.Substance)
    FROM #TempPC t
    GROUP BY t.PartNumber

    UPDATE p
    SET p.strSubstances = CAST (STUFF((SELECT ',' + CAST(t.Substance AS VARCHAR(3500))
    FROM #TempPC t
    WHERE t.PartNumber = p.PartNumber
    ORDER BY t.Substance
    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS NVARCHAR(3500)),
    p.strMass = CAST (STUFF((SELECT ',' + CAST(t.Mass AS VARCHAR(3500))
    FROM #TempPC t
    WHERE t.PartNumber = p.PartNumber
    ORDER BY t.Mass
    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS NVARCHAR(3500))
    FROM #tmpParts p

    But I get wrong result on mass because it display data two parts same mass separated by comma on two parts .

    But in the table #TempPC two parts are different on mass value:

    id  PartNumber  cnt strSubstances           strMass
    1 5223986-2 3 Aluminum,Copper,Zinc 33.7376,580.286,12824.5
    2 5223986-5 3 Aluminum,Copper,Zinc 33.7376,580.286,12824.5

    Final Result I need Same Numbers on #TempPC with Comma Separated on Table #tmpParts ON strMass :

    id  PartNumber  cnt strSubstances              strMass
    1 5223986-2 3 Aluminum,Copper,Zinc 33.73757,580.28613,12824.526
    2 5223986-5 3 Aluminum,Copper,Zinc 33.73756,580.28612,12824.52563
  • Instead of:

    CAST(t.Mass AS VARCHAR(3500))


    STR(t.Mass, 11, 5)

    You may then want to look at getting rid of trailing zeros.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by  Ken McKelvey.
  • My first question would be, why are you using FLOAT to begin with?

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  • I began my career decades ago, writing Fortran and scientific applications. We had to spend two weeks in our Fortran class learning how floating-point numbers at work. Floating-point numbers are also known as "approximate datatypes" because they do funny things with rounding and computations. If you don't need to use floating-point, then use DECIMAL (S, P), or NUMERIC (S,P) datatypes instead. Technically, there is a difference between those two datatypes, but Sybase treats them the same and I believe Microsoft is still preserving that convention. They are exact numeric datatypes and will not have strange rounding errors. I probably ought to post a good source for understanding floating-point, but the last one I remember was Tom Ochs articles decades ago.

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

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