Map login to users

  • Hello, I am migrating a database TESTDB from SQL 2008R2 to a new server running SQL Server 2012.

    Management has decided the current sql users should have "better" user names. So the login and username "BadUsername" on the old server should be called "GoodUserName". Goodusername should have the same permissions as Badusername.

    I have now restored a backup from the old server to the new server.

    I used the following script for creating the login:



    Then I run the following script:

    ALTER USER Badusername WITH LOGIN = GoodUserName, NAME = GoodUserName

    But the results are not what I wanted. I now have two database users: Badusername and GoodUserName. I would have preferred if BadUserName was "replaced" by GoodUserName, but it won't be a problem if I have to delete badusername manually. Worser is that GoodUserName have NOT "inherited" any permissions from Badusername.

    Is there an easy way to transfer permissions or do I need to loop through the permissions of badusername and apply those to badusername?

  • what you did do should have worked. just tested and it worked find on my machine.

    you can check the associated user and logins to see if the goodusername user is mapped to the correct login.

    select as loginname ,a.sid as loginsid, as username,b.sid as usersid

    from sys.server_principals a

    inner join sys.database_principals b

    on a.sid = b.sid

    where = 'GoodUserName'

    or = 'GoodUserName';

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  • I would suggest to script out all users (and logins) with their permissions. You can find many script to do that on the internet and on this forum ( Use a find/replace to change all the "badusername"'s to "goodusername"'s in the generated script. Run the script and remove all logins/users with "badusername"'s.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I found this script useful:

    I'm not sure if it will solve your exact problem in its given form, but I suggest that you review it for ideas. And of course as others have said, there are many similar scripts out there.

    Good luck.

    - webrunner

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • HanShi (3/10/2014)

    I would suggest to script out all users (and logins) with their permissions. You can find many script to do that on the internet and on this forum ( Use a find/replace to change all the "badusername"'s to "goodusername"'s in the generated script. Run the script and remove all logins/users with "badusername"'s.

    I would prefer this method. Either you can drop badusername users or remap them to the goodusername logins.



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