Manual data entry in tables..Any shortcut

  • I want to add a couple of rows in a table with 85 thousand plus rows already in it.

    If I do Right clike --> New , then the system takes 10-15 minutes to scan through all the rows and then allows me to append a row at the end.

    Any shortcut to reach to the end of the table without loosing time ?

  • Write INSERT statement in QA.

    And many people find an idea of developing front-end applications for entering data quite brilliant.

    Any clue why?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • It is just for experimental purpose, that I want to enter a couple of rows manually.

    I know INSERT statement can do it, but I just want to do it manually through enterprise manager.

    Wanna know if its possible to jump to the end of the table without loosing scanning time.

  • ckmoied ,

    Sergiy is correct. Please do use INSERT statements. If you should find a need to use Enterprise Manager for appending new rows, you should be able to quickly write a basic .Net App to return the last few rows and allow you to add new rows to the respective table(s). The time it takes to develop such an App should not exceed the time, for Enterprise Manager to load the data prior to allowing you to append new rows, by much.


    1. Open Visual Studio -- 5 - 15 seconds

    2. Create a new Web Page -- 5 - 15 seconds

    3. Drag and drop SQLDataSource into page -- 5 - 15 seconds

    4. Write Select Statement -- 5 - 15 seconds

    5. Write Insert Statement -- 5 - 15 seconds

    6. Drop a grid into page -- 5 - 15 seconds

    ** Note: Please convert Select Statement/Insert Statement into Stored Procedure when applicable.

    There are a number of examples available on the web. A quick search should be able to guide you in the right direction.


    Wameng Vang


  • Yes, it can be done pretty easily...

    When you open the table in EM, instead of selecting all rows, tell it to select the TOP 1. Makes the "end" you're talking about real close... 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Jeff Moden (9/26/2007)

    Yes, it can be done pretty easily...

    When you open the table in EM, instead of selecting all rows, tell it to select the TOP 1. Makes the "end" you're talking about real close... 😉

    the problem with that is that you specify Top 1 but no Order By so you really don't know what the heck is brough back. I know that it shouldn't matter anyway because the Poster just wanted to enter data but being explicit could help in this case 😉

    All against EM use for Data Entry raise your hand .... 😀

    * Noel

  • noeld (9/26/2007)

    All against EM use for Data Entry raise your hand .... 😀

    I'm unsubscribing from this topic. If everybody who is against using EM for data entry posts here, my mailbox will burst 😛

    Anyway, my hand is raised!

  • Ok guys

    Jeff's idea worked for me.

    Nice discussion


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