Managing Transactions question

  • I am trying to improve the following procedure by applying some of the basic concepts of transactions. This procedure is supposed to store a record in a table and some "aftermath" records to idem number of tables. It pseudo works right now, but we have seen inconsistencies in the underlying data thus causing me to review this. This code is not very elegant (and not mine originally so please excuse the poorly formatted pasted text).

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertSoldInventory]

    @SalesInvID as int,

    @FrequencyID as int,

    @ContractID as int,

    @StatusID as int,

    @FromDay as int = 1,

    @ToDay as int = 7,

    @StartDate datetime = NULL,

    @EndDate datetime = NULL



    DECLARE @points decimal(13,2),@Price decimal(18,2), @status varchar(20),@InvOwner varchar(20)

    DECLARE @EventType VARCHAR(20), @EventTypeID INT, @EventSubType VARCHAR(20), @EventSubTypeID INT, @SoldInventoryID INT

    DECLARE @SoldLookupID int, @SalesInvStatusID INT, @Frequency VARCHAR(40), @ContractDate varchar(10), @OccupancyDate varchar(10)

    Declare @ExchangeRate decimal(18,5), @ExchangePrice decimal(18,5)

    IF ISNULL(@FromDay,0) = 0

    SET @FromDay = 1

    SELECT DISTINCT @status = LookupName

    FROM tsw.Lookup

    WHERE lookupid = @StatusID

    SELECT @Frequency = Frequency FROM tsw.frequency WHERE frequencyid = @FrequencyID

    -- Added on 09/14/10 to see the owner bucket the inventory was selected from.

    SET @InvOwner = dbo.udf_GetInventoryOwnerForSalesInvID(@SalesInvID,@FrequencyID)

    --Get the LookupID for the 'Sold' Inventory Status lookup value

    SELECT @SoldLookUpID = cLookupID FROM tsw.cLookup WHERE cLookUpParentID = 33 and lookupName = 'Sold'

    --Get the Event related values

    SELECT @EventType = et.EventType, @EventTypeID = et.EventTypeID, @EventSubType = est.EventSubType,@EventSubTypeID = est.EventSubTypeID

    FROM tsw.t_EventType et

    LEFT JOIN tsw.t_EventSubType est ON et.EventTypeID = est.EventTypeID AND est.EventSubType = 'Create'

    WHERE et.EventType = 'Contract'

    --Get values from t_contract

    SELECT @ContractDate = Convert(varchar(10),ContractDate,101), @OccupancyDate = Convert(varchar(10),OccupancyDate,101)

    FROM tsw.t_contract WHERE contractID = @contractID

    --get price from setup

    SET @Price = 0

    SELECT @Price = spd.SalePrice

    FROM tsw.SalesInv si

    JOIN tsw.t_room r ON si.roomid = r.roomid

    JOIN tsw.Interval i ON si.IntervalID = i.IntervalID

    JOIN tsw.RoomSalePRice rsp ON rsp.roomid = r.roomid AND (i.IntervalNum BETWEEN rsp.FromWeek AND rsp.ToWeek OR (rsp.FromWeek = 0AND rsp.ToWeek = 0))

    JOIN tsw.SalePRice sp ON sp.SalePRiceID = rsp.SalePRiceID

    JOIN tsw.SalePriceDetail spd ON spd.SalePRiceID = sp.SalePriceID AND spd.FrequencyID = @FrequencyID

    WHERE si.SalesInvID = @SalesInvID

    SELECT @ExchangeRate = tsw.tsw_fnContractCurrencyGetRate(@ContractID)

    SELECT @ExchangePrice = @Price * @ExchangeRate

    --Get Point value from the club setup.

    Select @Points = ci.PointValue

    From tsw.ClubPVInterval ci

    Join tsw.ClubPointValue cv on cv.ClubPointValueID = ci.ClubPointValueID

    Join tsw.SalesInv si on si.SalesInvID = @SalesInvID

    Join tsw.Interval i on i.IntervalID = si.IntervalID

    join tsw.t_Room r on si.roomid = r.roomid

    join tsw.RoomType rt on r.roomtypeid = rt.roomtypeid

    Join tsw.SalesInvOwner sio on si.salesinvID = sio.SalesInvID

    Join tsw.InventoryOwner iown on sio.inventoryOwnerID = iown.inventoryOwnerID

    Where i.intervalnum Between ci.StartInterval and ci.EndInterval

    And cv.ClubID = iown.ClubID

    And cv.RoomTypeID = rt.RoomTypeID

    And cv.SiteID = r.SiteID

    And @StartDate Between cv.StartDate and cv.EndDate

    --Double-check to make sure room isn't already sold


    (Select *

    From tsw.SalesInvStatus sis

    where sis.SalesInvID = @salesInvID

    And sis.FrequencyID = @frequencyID

    And (

    sis.FromDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay

    OR sis.ToDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay


    And sis.Active = 1

    And IsNull(sis.SoldInventoryID,0) = 0


    Or Exists

    (Select *

    From tsw.t_SoldInventory so

    Join tsw.SalesInvStatus sis on so.SoldInventoryID = sis.SoldInventoryID

    Where sis.SalesInvID = @salesInvID

    and = 1

    And sis.FrequencyID = @frequencyID

    And (

    sis.FromDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay

    OR sis.ToDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay


    And (so.StartDate Between @StartDate and IsNull(@EndDate,'99991231')


    @StartDate Between so.StartDate and IsNull(so.ExpirationDate,'99991231'))



    RAISERROR('Availability conflict: this room is not available for at least part of that time.', 16, 2)





    -- insert the soldinventory record





    StartDate, ExpirationDate, User1,User2,User3,User4,User5,User6,User7,User8,User9,User10,User11,User12,User13,User14,User15,BaseAmount)

    SELECT DISTINCTr.siteid,@ContractID,@SalesInvID,i.intervalnum,si.WeekTypeID,(Select WeekType from tsw.WeekType where WeekTypeID = si.WeekTypeID),

    r.roomNumber,r.roomtypeid,rt.roomtype,@Frequency, @toDay - @FromDay +1,@Status,@StatusID,@Price,@ContractDate,@Points,r.roomid,si.SeasonID,

    (Select Season from tsw.Season where SeasonID = si.SeasonID and siteID = r.SiteID),

    @OccupancyDate, @EndDate, si.User1, si.User2,si.User3,si.User4,si.User5,si.User6,si.User7,si.User8,si.User9,@InvOwner,si.User11,@FrequencyID,


    from tsw.SalesInv si

    join tsw.t_room r on si.roomid =r.roomid

    join tsw.roomtype rt on r.roomtypeid = rt.roomtypeid

    Join tsw.Interval i on i.IntervalID = si.IntervalID

    where si.SalesInvID = @SalesInvID

    SET @SoldInventoryID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() --SCOPE_IDENTITY returns values inserted only within the current scope

    -- Insert the SalesInvStatus

    Insert into tsw.SalesInvStatus (SalesInvID,FromDay,ToDay,SoldInventoryID,Active,FrequencyID,InventoryStatusID)

    Select @SalesInvID,@FromDay,@ToDay,@SoldInventoryID,1,@FrequencyID,@SoldLookupId

    SET @SalesInvStatusID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() --SCOPE_IDENTITY returns values inserted only within the current scope

    INSERT INTO dbo.SoldInventoryExchangeRate(SoldInventoryID,ExchangeRate) VALUES (@SoldInventoryID,@ExchangeRate)

    -- Now create the event

    INSERT INTO tsw.t_Event(SiteID, EventTypeID, EventType, EventSubTypeID, EventSubType, Comments, DateCreated, TimeCreated, UserName, RecordID, TableName)

    SELECT s.SiteID, @EventTypeID, @EventType, @EventSubTypeID, @EventSubType, 'SoldInventory ' + CONVERT(varchar, s.SoldInventoryID) + ' from Buy Days',

    CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 112), GETDATE(), tsw.fnUserName(), s.ContractID, 'Contract'

    FROM tsw.t_SoldInventory s

    WHERE s.SoldInventoryID = @SoldInventoryID

    --All is good - write it out




    -- Test XACT_STATE for 1 or -1.

    -- XACT_STATE = 0 means there is no transaction and

    -- a commit or rollback operation would generate an error.

    -- Test whether the transaction is uncommittable.

    IF (XACT_STATE()) = -1


    PRINT N'The transaction is in an uncommittable state. Rolling back transaction.'



    -- Test whether the transaction is active and valid.

    IF (XACT_STATE()) = 1


    PRINT N'The transaction is committable. Committing transaction.'





    Any comments/suggestions are always welcome for they help me learn and move forward.

    Thank you in advance.

  • The only comment I'd have is that your check for availability is outside the transaction, so in theory you could have another session create a conflicting reservation at the same time. You could fix that by putting the check within the transaction so the tables are locked from the check through the end of the transaction. That way any other process that is attempting that check would likely be blocked until this transaction completes.

  • Thanks Jack!

    I had the same concern, just looking for reassurance I guess. I will move the check into the Transaction so I get all my bases covered.

    Kind regards,

  • Jack Corbett (2/9/2012)

    The only comment I'd have is that your check for availability is outside the transaction, so in theory you could have another session create a conflicting reservation at the same time. You could fix that by putting the check within the transaction so the tables are locked from the check through the end of the transaction. That way any other process that is attempting that check would likely be blocked until this transaction completes.

    However you'd need a non-default isolation level (repeatable read, serializable or snapshot) or a locking hint to take an xlock, or even in the transaction the shared lock taken by the availability check would be released immediately.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Gail,

    Well, for those of us who are really NEWBIES, how can I do that? if you don't mind my ignorance 🙂

  • I'm not sure I understand the logic behind the "IF (XACT_STATE()) = 1" part in the catch statement. Do you really want to commit just because you can? 🙂

  • kent_secher (2/10/2012)

    I'm not sure I understand the logic behind the "IF (XACT_STATE()) = 1" part in the catch statement. Do you really want to commit just because you can? 🙂

    Good catch. I should have mentioned that as well. Since you are in the CATCH block you have an error so you probably just want to ROLLBACK. I usually do an IF XACT_STATE <> 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION, in the CATCH block.

    What Gail means and I should have caught is you need to supply a locking hint like WITH (UPDLOCK) or WITH (XLOCK) or use a SET statement to change your isolation level like SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ. Check out BOL for SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL

    I always struggle with remembering all the locking and blocking semantics.

  • I used XACT_STATE just for troubleshooting or debugging and it won't be in the production version. Sorry, I should've put that in the code.

    As for the isolation level, I believe that it might be best to use the table hint instead, no? (Again, looking for confirmation and/or best practices)

    Thank you all!!

  • You should leave the XACT_STATE in but change it to XACT_STATE() <> 0. It is a best practice to check to make sure the transaction is available to be ROLLED BACK before rolling it back.

  • Thanks Jack!

    If I may abuse of your knowledge a bit more, I have moved my availability check inside the BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION block but I am at a loss as to how do I break if the condition is met, with a BREAK or just raise the error as I have it right now?



    --Double-check to make sure room isn't already sold


    (Select *

    From tsw.SalesInvStatus sis

    where sis.SalesInvID = @salesInvID

    And sis.FrequencyID = @frequencyID

    And (

    sis.FromDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay

    OR sis.ToDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay


    And sis.Active = 1

    And IsNull(sis.SoldInventoryID,0) = 0


    Or Exists

    (Select *

    From tsw.t_SoldInventory so

    Join tsw.SalesInvStatus sis on so.SoldInventoryID = sis.SoldInventoryID

    Where sis.SalesInvID = @salesInvID

    and = 1

    And sis.FrequencyID = @frequencyID

    And (

    sis.FromDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay

    OR sis.ToDay BETWEEN @FromDay AND @toDay


    And (so.StartDate Between @StartDate and IsNull(@EndDate,'99991231')


    @StartDate Between so.StartDate and IsNull(so.ExpirationDate,'99991231'))



    RAISERROR('Availability conflict: this room is not available for at least part of that time.', 16, 2)



    Thanks again!


  • Raising an error with that severity level in a TRY block sends execution to the CATCH block so you don't need the RETURN. You just need to decide what you want to send back to the client from the CATCH block when that happens and ROLLBACK the TRANSACTION.

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