Managing SSRS Reports with domain groups

  • Hi,
    Im not sure if this is an SSRS issue or SQL server security issue but Ive created domain level groups, added my specific users to the groups and created a new user from that group on my SQL server. I want to allow these users to run my SSRS reports so am I correct in thinking I need to add these users to the db_datareader group? Im missing something as when I get the users to log into the server they aren't asked for credentials (which is correct as its using the windows credentials) and they can see the report but when they run the report they get
    "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
    Cannot create a connection to data source '###'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors"
    On the data source of the report I've set it to "Use current Windows user. Kerberos delegation might be required"
    Any ideas please?
    Thank you

  • Shabbaranks - Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:32 AM

    Im not sure if this is an SSRS issue or SQL server security issue but Ive created domain level groups, added my specific users to the groups and created a new user from that group on my SQL server. I want to allow these users to run my SSRS reports so am I correct in thinking I need to add these users to the db_datareader group? Im missing something as when I get the users to log into the server they aren't asked for credentials (which is correct as its using the windows credentials) and they can see the report but when they run the report they get
    "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
    Cannot create a connection to data source '###'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors"
    On the data source of the report I've set it to "Use current Windows user. Kerberos delegation might be required"
    Any ideas please?
    Thank you

    They need access, permissions to the report and also to the data source. The data source may or may not be local to the report server and it may not even be SQL Server. But when the data source uses the Current windows user then that user needs permissions to whatever the data source is using. If it's another database somewhere, they need to be able to connect to that database and have permissions to whatever is being used in the data source...just as if they were doing the query at that data source.


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