April 30, 2008 at 8:22 am
G'morn. I use COLUMNS-UPDATED on a couple of audit-type triggers to avoid having certain columns trigger the..erm..trigger. Working on my local db, I added a new column that I want mask. I look up the column_id. 37. Great. I tweak a few things, dropping then adding that column until I like my code. Then I notice that the column_id has increased with each drop/add. Now it is at 40.
Not a problem. Except my COLUMNS-UPDATED mask for column_id 40 won't be applicable to production, where the added column will have an ID of 37.
So. Bleary-eyed early morning complexities make me ramble. But can I:
"reset" the column_id increment of a table, so it will be sure to always assign ([last existing column_id + 1]), OR
assign the column_id at the time I create a column?
*slogs off in search of more coffee*
April 30, 2008 at 8:51 am
You may or may not have noticed that when you modify a table from Management Studio (or EM for that matter), it often creates a new table and copies over all of your data. This is primarily so it can manage ordinal positions and column_id's because with alter statements you have no control over them.
So, I suggest you alter your table once through management studio and save the script rather than running it to see what you get. This script will fix your problem.
April 30, 2008 at 9:29 am
I've not noticed the copying over of the table on when adding a column. However, your comment (and some coffee) did get me past my brainblock. A quick "INSERT INTO" and a name change and my local table is back to incrementing the column_id from the last existing column.
But I still wonder how to "reset" that, to lose the excess "used but no longer there" column_ids.
Curiosity. Me and cats. Analogous results.
April 30, 2008 at 9:17 pm
Like Michael said... can't be done unless you drop/recreate the table.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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