Management/Jobs not being scheduled

  • I just took over a SQL Server 2000 database running in Win2000.

    The problem I have is the jobs I setup are not running. When I create a job in SQL Server, the "enabled, runnable, and scheduled" all come up with "YES", which is good. BUT, the status="not running", last run status=unkown and (most disturbing) next run date = "date and time are not available".

    I have tried to "run" them after creation, and the will NOT run. I even tried doing a "scheduled backup" through the gui, and it will not run.

    Any ideas why scheduled tasks will not run?


    Joe Devereaux

  • Is the Sql Server Agent service running?


    Andy Jones


  • Yes, the SQL Server Agent is running.

  • Maybe try re-starting it?? I had problems with populating full-text catalogs which were solved by simply re-starting the full text service.


    Andy Jones


  • Look into the Job History, and check the view steps list. If you create them with an NT id, sometimes they don't run right. Even if that ID has SA.

    KlK, MCSE


  • The SQL Agent was stopped and is not reporting "Could not start agent... Service did not return error... could be windows error or internal service error... contact admistrator."

    I tried running the service as localsystem and as our standard "sqloperator" as we do on other sql server boxes. I get the error message trying to run it with either log on.


  • After making sure you have proper account with proper privileges to start SQL service and SQL agent, restart SQL server and restart SQL agent. Might work.

  • If possible, suggest bouncing the server. I had the same bizzare situation yesterday. Agent is running but it's not, the only thing that cured it was a good bouncing. At which point I needed to get in front of the machine and physically press a button, the server froze on startup - They tell me it's not unusual for these older IBM servers to do that. Who knows.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • Thanks you for all the advice. I have to wait until Tuesday morning to try this (24x7)production server. I will post the result.


  • I've also seen where I couldn't bounce SQL Server Agent from SQL Enterprise Mgr but was able to from the Services control panel. In general it seems to me that SQL Server Agent is flaky. We've had to check our backup jobs by looking at their run date to make sure SQL Server Agent wasn't hung, something that happens about 1 to 2 times a month.

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