Management Studio doesn't show DTS versions

  • I have one DTS package that when I try to right click and open with either SSMS 2K5 or 2K8, it shows only a pop up "select package" with name of SQL instance in the display window. that's it, no version of the DTS is there, and therefore, cannot be selected to open. Can't delete it either, as the same "select package" screen will pop up with nothing to select from...any clue? I have 200 other packages in there with no problem seeing all versions and opening them. Thanks.

  • Check if the previous versions are getting deleted for that package somehow from the MSDB.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks SQLBuddy, the issue is more serious than just not being able to see previous versions. I was prompted to select a version, but none available to select from, not even the latest one.

    More details on that package:

    I can see and open any version with Enterprise Manager if the package is on SQL 2000.

    The above issue occurs when using Management Studio to access the package on SQL 2000 and issue continues even if the package is exported to a SQL 2005 instance.

  • Try to install the Backward Compatibility Tools and DTS designer Components for SQL Server 2005 . It should resolve the issue.

    You can download them from this link.

    To delete a package from SQL Server 2005, you can do it by deleting the Package entry in the Msdb table sysdtspackages. Dts packages info is stored in sysdtspackages table in MSDB.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Hi

    Are you created this package in SQL 2k5 or 8, or Its from an earlier version? from what action(event done by you) this problem come?

    MCTS SQL Server2k8

  • The package was created by a sysadmin account in 2k. I can see All versions and open this with no issue. With management studio, I can see the pop up asking for me to select a version, but there is no version displayed. My management studio has the backward comp module installed. Oddly, if I log on with the sysadmin account that created the package, The display in management studio is just fine.

  • Any chance there are permissions on this object? I'm not very familiar with DTS or SSIS, but after seeing your post about sysadmin rights solving the problem, the 1st thing that comes to mind is permissions....


    (aka sgmunson)


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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