Making an Invoice

  • Hi,

    I am trying to make an invoice in RS.

    My problem is that i need to have a table in report footer and we can not insert data from database in footer of report.

    Can anybody give me a tip of a way to work around this. If anyone can give me a sample it would be very nice...


  • I believe you can insert database fields in the Footer section. Is there any specific problem that you are facing in placing a database field in the footer area.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Can i??

    I don´t think so. Can not place database fields in footer or header.

    The only way i can do that is using ReportItem("field").value.



  • Yes, I got your point, I thought you were not able to place the database fields on the footer, yes placing a table , matrix or a list is not supported in Reporting services.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • There are two ways to go here. One is to 'cheat' and place the data you wish to have in the footer in the body of the report in a field you name for easy reference, make the field not visible, and then refer to it in an expression: =ReportItems("MyItem").Value. The second way is to use a table and place the value in the table footer. You can control the height of your rows by setting CanGrow and CanShrink to false, so that the footer fills the whole page. You can also programmatically set the amount of top/bottom padding for a textbox from a parameter that might take into account the number of lineitems in the invoice...

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