July 18, 2006 at 12:22 pm
hi I have this access query in sql view and would like to put it in a stored procedure or view, i am having a problem in how to transfer the expressions , I already have query 1 as a view in sql server, can anyone help me please
SELECT [query 1].Customer_No, [query 1].Product_No, [Distinct Subform 1 query 1].ItemGroup, [query 1].SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No, [query 1].MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date, [query 1].MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date, ROUND([MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]-[MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date]) AS Expr1, IIf([Expr1]>0,ROUND([Expr1]/[SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No])) AS Expr2, [MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]+[Expr2]+60 AS Expr3, [Expr2]+60 AS Expr9, IIf([SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No] Is Null,1) AS Expr6, IIf([Expr3]<=Now(),1) AS Expr4, IIf([Expr1]=0,1) AS Expr7, ROUND(Now()-[MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]) AS Expr8, [query 1].Category
FROM [query 1];
July 18, 2006 at 12:47 pm
Is that working at all? I don't see where [Distinct Subform 1 query 1].ItemGroup is coming from
* Noel
July 18, 2006 at 1:03 pm
sorry... basically this query is coming from another one (i did not create it) .. the one i posted before was the one i have been working on.
This are the originals:
query 1
SELECT DISTINCT N1Q1.Customer_No, N1Q1.Product_No, Count(N1Q1.Product_No) AS CountOfProduct_No1, IIf([CountOfProduct_No]>1,1,1) AS Expr5, [Item Group].Itemgroup, Sum(N1Q1.SumOfTotal_Sale_Amt) AS SumOfSumOfTotal_Sale_Amt, Sum(N1Q1.SumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No) AS SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No, Min(N1Q1.MinOfInvoice_Date) AS MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date, Max(N1Q1.MaxOfInvoice_Date) AS MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date, N1Q1.Category
FROM N1Q1 LEFT JOIN [Item Group] ON (N1Q1.Product_No = [Item Group].Product_No) AND (N1Q1.Customer_No = [Item Group].Customer_No)
GROUP BY N1Q1.Customer_No, N1Q1.Product_No, IIf([CountOfProduct_No]>1,1,1), [Item Group].Itemgroup, N1Q1.Category;
This is the query i would like to make a view in sql server:
SELECT [query 1].Customer_No, [query 1].Product_No, [query 1].ItemGroup, [query 1].SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No, [query 1].MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date, [query 1].MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date, Round([MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]-[MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date]) AS Expr1, IIf([Expr1]>0,Round([Expr1]/[SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No])) AS Expr2, [MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]+[Expr2]+60 AS Expr3, [Expr2]+60 AS Expr9, IIf([SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No] Is Null,1) AS Expr6, IIf([Expr3]<=Now(),1) AS Expr4, IIf([Expr1]=0,1) AS Expr7, Round(Now()-[MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date]) AS Expr8, [query 1].Category
FROM [query 1];
July 18, 2006 at 1:29 pm
Give this is a go, there are expressions in your code that are not complete like IIF with only one argument.
I tried to guess what you wanted in those cases
SELECT c.* , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, Expr3, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE DATEDIFF(DAY,Expr3, GETDATE()) END AS Expr4 FROM ( SELECT b.* , DATEADD(d, Expr2 + 60, MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date ) AS Expr3 , Expr2 + 60 AS Expr9 FROM( SELECT a.* , CASE WHEN Expr1 > 0 THEN CAST( Expr1 / SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No AS INT) ELSE 0 END AS Expr2 , CASE WHEN Expr1 =0 THEN 1 ELSE Expr1 END AS Expr7 FROM( SELECT Customer_No , Product_No , ItemGroup , SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No , MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date , MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date , DATEDIFF(DAY, MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date ,MinOfMinOfInvoice_Date ) AS Expr1 , COALESCE( SumOfSumOfCountOfMfr_Item_No ,1) AS Expr6 , DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(), MaxOfMaxOfInvoice_Date ) AS Expr8 , Category FROM [query 1] )a)b)c
* Noel
July 18, 2006 at 2:17 pm
wow Thank you!!! this will be a view correct?
July 18, 2006 at 3:31 pm
Correct. Make sure it does what you need
* Noel
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