Make max column in one row equal to all other rows for that column?

  • Lets say I have a dataset from a join of two tables:

    Table A one has business ID, Name

    Table B two has customer name, date

    Table A Data


    1 Nasdaq

    2 Apple

    Table B Data

    Customer Date ID

    Jerry 1/2/2012 1

    James 4/2/2012 1

    Harry 3/5/2012 2

    Karl 3/2/2012 2

    So lets say I run the query and join on the ID to get a dataset like this:


    Nasdaq Jerry 1/2/2012

    Nasdaq James 4/2/2012

    Apple Harry 3/5/2012

    Apple Karl 3/2/2012

    What if I wanted the date field to only display the max for its group? So that James and Jerry's date was 4/2/2012, and Harry and Karl's are 3/5/2012?


    Nasdaq Jerry 4/2/2012

    Nasdaq James 4/2/2012

    Apple Harry 3/5/2012

    Apple Karl 3/5/2012

    I can figure out how to select the max date from a joined group, but populating all rows with the max of each ID I'm stumped on.

  • First, please pay close attention to how I created the tables and sample data. This is what you should do when asking questions instead of relying on us to do it for you.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.TableA (

    ID INT,

    BName VARCHAR(30)


    CREATE TABLE dbo.TableB (

    Customer varchar(30),


    ID INT


    INSERT INTO dbo.TableA

    SELECT 1, 'Nasdaq' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Apple';

    INSERT INTO dbo.TableB

    SELECT 'Jerry','20120102', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'James','20120204', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Harry','20120503', 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Karl','20120203', 2;






    dbo.TableA a

    INNER JOIN dbo.TableB b

    ON (a.ID = b.ID);

    DROP TABLE dbo.TableA;

    DROP TABLE dbo.TableB;

  • How about:

    create table #tablea (

    ta_id int not null,

    bname varchar(20) not null)

    create table #tableb (

    customer varchar(20) not null,

    c_date date not null,

    ta_id int not null)

    insert #tablea ( ta_id, bname) values (1,'Nasdaq')

    insert #tablea ( ta_id, bname) values (2,'Apple')

    insert #tableb (customer,c_date,ta_id) values ('Jerry','20120201',1)

    insert #tableb (customer,c_date,ta_id) values ('James','20120204',1)

    insert #tableb (customer,c_date,ta_id) values ('Harry','20120305',2)

    insert #tableb (customer,c_date,ta_id) values ('Karl','20120302',2)

    select a.bname, b.customer, c.m_date

    from #tablea a join #tableb b on a.ta_id = b.ta_id

    join (select ta_id, MAX(c_date) as m_date from #tableb group by ta_id) c

    on a.ta_id = c.ta_id

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • AKKKKK!!! Too slow, and Lynn's solution is better.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Lynn,

    That worked perfectly. Hours spent trying to do this to have you solve it in seconds. I guess that is why I am posting in the newbie section!

    I will create the temp tables in the future.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Glad to be able to help.

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