Make a primary key column as identity?

  • Hi All,

    Is it possible to make a column as identity, after created the same table.

    For Ex, we have created a new table with Primary key constraint. But later we found that we missed that primary key column as an identity column. Furthermore, that primary key column has an references with some other table (Foreign Key on some other table).

    In that time, is it possible to make that primary key column as an identity???

    We disabled that foreign key but bad luck! Any idea how to sole that.

    Appreciate your help!!!

    --- 😛

  • Just go into management studio into the table design and set the Identity Specification and it should work just fine

  • The foreign key won't make any difference

  • Andrew Reilly (2/4/2009)

    Just go into management studio into the table design and set the Identity Specification and it should work just fine

    😛 That i know. How can i achieve through script?

  • as mentioned previously, you can add identity column and still use the exisiting primary key.

    If you really want to add identity column to use as primary key, add it to existing primary key and use it as a composite primary key. in turn then you have to update all the tables referencing to this base table. i would recommend just to add identity column and keep on using your existing primary key column.

  • Ok I see what you want now

    Create a copy of the table with the identity field set

    Copy all of the data across from the old table

    Drop the foreign key on the old table

    Drop the old table

    Rename the new table

    Put the foreign key back on

    Job done 🙂

  • Thanks All for your valuable reply.

    Yes Andrew, i have done that through dropping the foreign key and recreating the same.

    But i am still doing, is there any other way to make this feasible.

    Why because there are 8 tables which are referring the master table (identity key table). so almost 16 lines of code i have to do.

    Could you tell me any way other that this?


  • Other way is to edit the table design in SSMS (don't save it) & just save the generated script, though I never tried this myself.


  • Or if you have something like SQL compare make the changes on a test server and use SQL compare to do a comparison and script the changes out

  • There is no way u can achieve this with script unless you add a separate column with IDENTITY as a property.


    Vijaya Kadiyala

  • Vijaya - I'm confused why not ? Am I missing something

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