major headaches with SP3 MSM files

  • We have had a multitude of issues when attempting to include the SP3 MSMs in our application install. SP2 was working fine. All we did was replace the files, and now everything's hosed. Basically, a bunch of validation/security checks are now failing. I've found from users on other newsgroups that this is not uncommon. So, I pose this question, Did Microsoft screw up releasing the MSDE patch in their haste to provide a fix for the Slammer Worm? What if they acknowledge that there are issues in the MSMs for custom installations? Will they update SP3, come out with another patch, or release a hot-fix? just wondering.

  • SP3 was released prior to the Slammer worm, so the two aren't related. Now, whether or not they rushed the MSDE MSMs could be another story.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Service Pack 3 addresses a huge amount of security considerations, and changes the architecture of internal securities in several cases. I would suggest you look into the securities related changes and see what it is your doing that goes against these changes. In researching the SP changes, I go to microsoft's knowledge base, and examine all the related articles (the Q doc's, as I call em), and I found several items that should be changed in one of my servers, but after changing them, didn't have any issues. I can't say that this is the same thing affecting you, but it sure sounds similar. I do not have my documentation here for what it was that affected me, or I would post that as well, but maybe I'll remember tomorrow, and I'll update my post.

    Did you fully research the changes referenced by the Q doc's before applying the SP, and are you aware of the exact changes to the securities model that might have impacted you?

  • When did SP3 for MSDE officially become available? It was not out when I checked last week, but was there this Monday, after the virus outbreak over the weekend. I can not find anything that explicitly states when SQL2KDeskSP3.exe was released.

  • The question I have just posed is not simply for this issue I am having, but for future reference when I want to find out what updates have been posted since a certain date. Truth be told, I am a programmer-turned-DBA who knows very little about installations and am attempting to assist my manager who holds the keys to the install packages we create. Thanks for your suggestions.

  • Jan 17th is when SP3 went live.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • not to be ornery or anything , but I submit the following as evidence that SP3 for MSDE was not released with the main SQL2KSP3 from

    SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 Readme.htm Additions (1/17/2003):

    "SQL Server Service Pack 3 for Desktop Engine is not included with SQL Server Service Pack 3. It will be available shortly after the release of SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3."

  • OK. The only "official" message I have is the general SP3 announcement which is Jan 17. But they had the desktop builds available during beta testing.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

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