MaintPlan wont' actually delete txt files

  • My last two posts have gone unanswered but I'm going to try again.

    Server SQL2005 Standard SP2.

    I have a cleanup step in my Maintenance Plan to delete the backup report files. I give it all the correct information, it reports successful but it is not actually deleting the files.

    Even if I take the TSQL

    EXECUTE master.sys.xp_delete_file 0,N'L:\SQLNightlyReports',N'txt',N'2007-11-22T10:00:04',1

    and run it from a query, it completes successfully but the files are still there. Running under my account which is a domain admin, it's not a permission issue.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • It's a known bug. See



  • It's also an annoying bug and I haven't seen a fix for it yet. I just schedule a SQL Agent job to run a vbs script (you could use Windows Task Scheduler if you wanted).


    ' Script created by Scott Duncan, 04-10-2007

    ' This script was created to delete SQL maintenance plan log

    ' files, as SQL 2005 SP2 changed the format of the files,

    ' causing xp_delete_file to fail to delete them

    ' Setup environment & declare variables

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' One variable per folder to be deleted

    Dim Folder1, Folder2

    ' Folders the log files are in

    ' Add as many folders here as you have, declare the variables above

    Folder1 = "C:\0\SQL\Scratch\logs"

    Folder2 = "C:\0\SQL\Scratch\logs2"

    ' call the subroutine once for each folder [variable]

    subDeleteOldFiles Folder1

    subDeleteOldFiles Folder2

    Private Sub subDeleteOldFiles (FolderName)

    Dim intSpaceLocation, intDateDif, dtmDate, intMaxAge

    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderName)

    Set objFiles = objFolder.Files

    ' set maximum age a file can be in days

    intMaxAge = 7

    For Each File in objFiles

    ' File.DateLastModified returns date & time, separated by a space.

    ' We want just the date, so we need to find where the separating space is

    intSpaceLocation = InStr(1, File.DateLastModified, " ", 1)

    ' now we grab all characters from left to right until we hit the space

    ' if the DateLastModified field happens to be date only (no time), then just

    ' grab the whole DateLastModified field

    if intSpaceLocation > 0 then

    dtmDate = Left(File.DateLastModified, (intSpaceLocation - 1))


    dtmDate = File.DateLastModified

    end if

    ' now we work out the difference in days between date modified & today

    intDateDif = DateDiff("d", dtmDate, Date)

    ' if the difference is greater than or equal to the maximum age allowed,

    ' we delete the file.

    if intDateDif >= intMaxAge then

    objFSO.DeleteFile(objFolder.Path & "\" & File.Name)

    end if


    End Sub

    Save with extension .vbs.

    If running from SQL Agent, set the step to CmdExec & run 'cscript [path to vbs file] //b //nologo'. Make sure the account running SQL Agent has permission to get to the path you put the vbs file in (I put it in the SQL Server LOG folder myself, easy to find, no need to muck about with additional permissions).

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

  • You can fix it with the following hotfix:

    I have applied it and it works fine.

  • Missed that. Guess I shouldn't have been looking in the KB article for a reference to the fix. 😛

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

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