Maintenance plans & Duration times

  • Hi @ all,

    I have a maintenance plan with several subtasks. When I look at the history of this maintenance plan I can see the duration of each task.

    But how come the duration time of the complete maintenance plan is often that much higher than all my subtasks totalled together ??

    I often see this in my maintenance UpdateStatistics plan In which I have for 1 db updatestats step which takes 22min, but total duration of plan = 45min.

    (sample output maint.plan)



    Microsoft(R) Server Maintenance Utility (Unicode) Version 9.0.3200

    Report was generated on " ".

    Maintenance Plan: UPDATESTATS_SpecifiedDB

    Duration: 00:45:18

    Status: Succeeded.


    Update Statistics Task " ".

    Update Statistics on Local server connection

    Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.

    Databases: All user databases

    Object: Tables and views

    All existing statistics

    Task start: 2008-01-27T01:23:18.

    Task end: 2008-01-27T01:45:20.


  • Here is a link discussing this issue recently on this forum.

  • thanks for you pointing me to that post!

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