Maintenance plan failed

  • I have a Maintenance plan created for taking daily user database backups. Using the Maintenance plan I am taking FULL database backups and the "All user databases" option has been selected. This has been running successfully for more than 6 months without a problem even if new databases are added to the Server.

    Yesterday I created a new database and the maintenance plan failed with the error message

    "Database 'xyz' is not valid to be included in the maintenance plan."

    Any clue as to what might have caused the following error message and the Job failure ??

    Thanx in Advance.

  • The database it's failing on isn't a snapshot, mirror or db running old compatibility level?

    What sql version/edition/sp level?

  • Hey thanks a lot man.. Just figured it out... The compatibility level had been set to SQL Server 7.0(70)...


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