Maintenance Jobs Fail After Changing sa Password

  • On a number of different instances of various SQL versions, Including

    SQL2005 and 2008, I am having Maint jobs failing with connection errors

    after changing the sa password.

    The agent is run by a Domain id.

    Agent connection properties show windows authentication.

    Recreating the job new works around the problem, but it is time consuming.

    I can log into ssms as sa or with windows authentication and change the

    maintenance plan, but I CANNOT DELETE IT. I CANNOT RENAME IT.

    If I try I am met with a message saying "login failed for sa".

    There are no properties of the maint plan or the job associated that

    reference sa and it's password.

    This is not an isolated problem. Several instances have behaved this way.

    I know I am not the only person to have this problem, but I Haven't found

    an explanation or fix on the web, short of recreating all of the plans that fail.

    This is not a good use of my time. And, I can only address the problem

    reactively. Sometimes, I only know because a log fills up a drive.

  • are the connections to the local instance using 'sa'?

    if they are, you will have to update the connections properties to use the new sa password.

  • I'm not sure what is meant by "the connections to the local instance ". Maintenance

    plans don't connect, except that they run a job via the SQL Agent. The properties

    of the agent don't show a dependency on the sa account.

  • an account must be specified to "connect" to the instance that the plan runs on.

    in the Maintenance plan designer, look up the top for a tab that says "Manage Connections..."

  • Getting closer. If found the Manage Connections tab. There are two choices.

    1. Local Server Connection.

    This has sa as the id and a blank password. If I try to type in a password

    and click OK, I get "Failed to connect to server servername" (servername is the name of the


    2. Add New connection.

    This allows me to name a connection name and a server name.

    Well, no matter what I do and whether I try Windows auth or

    put in SQL auth and sa and the new sa password, it fails.

    Can't connect. Exact message varies with the for of the attempt.

  • Hi,

    In one of our servers(sqlserver 2005 ent edi) all maintenance plans(scheduled db backups) running under sa login & pwd

    we have changed the sa password

    now all maintenance jobs are failed

    could you please suggest to solution.

  • jamessdba (9/24/2012)


    In one of our servers(sqlserver 2005 ent edi) all maintenance plans(scheduled db backups) running under sa login & pwd

    we have changed the sa password

    now all maintenance jobs are failed

    could you please suggest to solution.

    Yes, in 2005 and newer versions you have to open up each Maint plan and edit the connections and retype in the new password.

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