December 13, 2016 at 11:18 am
Keen to hear how people deal with this. So the scenario is ;
You create a stored procedure to complete a task, deploy(create) on development/production box and all is fine and dandy.You hold a master copy of this script on your networked drive.
Now X hours/days/months down the line you need to amend the script: do you;
a) amend the one on the server (updating the script header with a summary of changes) ignoring the master copy held on the network drive
b) amend the one on the server and mirror these changes in the networked version (updating the script header of both files with a summary of changes) - continue this forever.
c) amend the one on the server and mirror these changes in the networked version (updating the script header of both files with a summary of changes)- continue this until the SP is stable and no more changes on the horizon.
Personally i have been using option C but this is prone to errors. Option a) leaves me uneasy as it only takes an accidental update of SP with an earlier version and your recent changes are gone.
Would TFS Source control be a better option? Not explored this for pure script version control.
Any thoughts?
December 13, 2016 at 11:33 am
wannabe_developer (12/13/2016)
Would TFS Source control be a better option? Not explored this for pure script version control.
Any thoughts?
Yes, every developer should use a VCS (version control system). When I have work in progress, I will typically version any changes I've done each day, so I can revert back if needed. Also, there is a separate VCS repository for QA and Production. Our release process process will automatically version the package or scripts at the time of deployment, so we retain a complete history of what was deployed and when.
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho
December 13, 2016 at 12:37 pm
Definitely use a VCS. We're using TortoiseSVN.
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
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