Mainanace challenge

  • Heres a challenge....Sudddenly our backup maintanence plan stoped working. In the job history the following error is displayed:The job failed. The job invoked by the user sa. The last step to run was step 1 (Step 1).Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.The maintanence plan error log is empty.The job does not backup transaction logs and i've deseleccted integrity check. I've created a new database and  recrated the maintanene plan on this database with the same result. I also created a maintanence plan with only an integrity check. Still the same result...I´m going nuts.....
  • Does the drive you are trying to backup to have enough space on it?  We've run into that problem before.


    J. Bagwell

    UVA Health System

  • My thought exactly. Your backup drive is full.

  • If not the backup drive itself being full check that either the data drive is not full and that the C: drive is not full as well as the drive your temp folder is on if different.

  • Double click your maintenance plan --> Reporting Tab --> Check "write report a text file ...", Rerun your job and review the report to see whether you can capture any errors from there.

  • No, plenty of space on the backup drive....

    All drives has plenty of space...

    Nothing in the report file....

  • Make sure that the databases are all in Full recovery mode. I had this same problem and it was due to the Databases being in Simple recovery mode. Give it a shot to see if it works anyway!



  • This might have been the issue if the maintanence plan contained transaction log backups. But in this case it does not.....

    Thanks anyway!

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