Mailing DBA when sql server Agent Fails

  • Hello

    I would like to know a script which mails the DBA mail box when the sql server agent fails ( I am working on sql server 2000) using SMTP. I have got SMTP server configured for all my other job failure notifications.

    Please let me know any scripts that can be run on the command prompt or any ideas of how I can do it.




  • You can run a query from system table and send you an email with attachment:

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs A, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers B WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.last_run_outcome = 0

    and enabled = 1

    The smtp email gave you the capability to attach the query result set.

    Hope that help.

    Minh Vu


  • I hate using SQL Mail on Prod DB servers - I use Wsendmail or Blat from a remote machine to accomplish most of these tasks

  • Hello

    I am not getting output when I run that query in the sql analyzer.

    What should I do , should I make any changes.



  • This will only return data if any jobs failed


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