Mail To In a Hyperlink

  • You can set a hyperlink action with a "MailTo:" and then append the EMail address and it will open a mail and place the EMail address in the To: field. Does anyone know if there is a CCTo: token? I can't find any documentation on this in books on line. I found this trick as a small reference in a reporting services book. Thanks,



  • Here is a page that gives you some the parameters you can use with mailto:

    If you end up passing in a body or subject parameter, realize you'll need to replace some characters (ignore the quotes):

    "%" with "%25"

     "&" with "%26"

     " " with "%20"

    carriage return (char(13) + char(10)) with "%0D%0A"

    "?" with "%3F"

    Hope this helps!


    Walter Enzor

  • Very valuable. Thanks very much.




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