February 8, 2002 at 10:38 am
if you want, you can write a parser for
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig /all'
Steve Jones
February 8, 2002 at 3:53 pm
I've been looking, and I am not seeing any other solution other than dropping to command shell, either with ipconfig /all or nbtstat -a <hostname>.
For instance:
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(27)
SET @SQL = 'nbtstat -a ' + @@SERVERNAME
CREATE TABLE #CmdShellDump (
ShellLine varchar(80))
INSERT #CmdShellDump
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @SQL
SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(RIGHT(ShellLine, LEN(ShellLine) - CHARINDEX('=', ShellLine))))
FROM #CmdShellDump
WHERE CHARINDEX('MAC Address', ShellLine) > 0
DROP TABLE #CmdShellDump
K. Brian Kelley
K. Brian Kelley
February 8, 2002 at 4:58 pm
That seems to be the only way from the SQL side. But as long as you only have one nic there really is no worry. However I don't know if I would wast the overhead of doing this everytime a user comes in. If you have only one NIC then put this data in whatever table you are using to store as the default for the column. If you have a load balanced system using more than one nic you may have to write an external piece. Now since I don't have a server in front of me, can you get the local ip address or connecion they came in own? If so then you create a table with the mac for each ip listing and pull it. But since a mac address never changes unless you change nics I don't suggest quering for it each time a connections occurrs.
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