
  • Hi

    I have a form with many fields on it.  12 of these fields (named Unit1 through to Unit12) need to be unlocked according to a given number unique to each record.  All field start as locked

    If the number appearing in the record is 5, then 1 - 5 need to be unlocked, 6 - 12 need to remain locked.

    I've done this before using a For Next loop, but am struggling to make it work this time.

    I have something like the following in the OnCurrent event of the form:

    Dim Un As Variant (sometimes there are nulls)

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim Fn As Field

    Un = DLookup("[units]", "Myquery")  'the given number - which is different for each record

    If Un > 0 Then

        For i = 1 To Un

        Fn = "unit" & i  'this will show Unit?(fieldname)

        Fn.locked = False


        Next i


    exit sub

    end if

    If you can suggest the correct way to do this I would be grateful.


  • I don't think you can do it that way.

    I think I would create a function with the parameters index and number and the function would return true of false depending on if the record needs to be locked or not... then call field1.locked = fnLock (1, 5)

  • yor problem is syntax:


    For i = 1 To 12

        Me.Controls("unit" & i).locked = (Un <= i) 

    Next i


    * Noel

  • so much simpler .

  • Absolutely brilliant!

    Thanks very much for this.  It's exactly what I want.

    Sorry for late reply - I've only just had the chance to get back to this.

    Many thanks again


  • As long as it's fixed now... Happy to almost help .

  • me too


    * Noel

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