looping through dates in ssis

  • Good day all the clever ones

    I have a table (stock) that I need to update every day from a certain date (the first day of the month) to the the present day - 1. In other words, the stock needs to be updated until yesterday. Is there anyone that can help me with this? I am working through a Calendar table where all the dates are already set up. Is there anyone out there with an idea of how I can go about doing this?

    I need to loop through a container in ssis to do the following:

    UpdateCubeOn |UpdateDateFrom |UpdateDateTo

    2013/10/01 | 20131001 |20131001

    2013/10/02 | 20131001 |20131002

    2013/10/03 | 20131001 |20131003

    2013/10/04 | 20131001 |20131004

    2013/10/05 | 20131001 |20131005




    So my stock will now be:

    2013/10/01 = 100

    2013/10/02 = 110

    2013/10/03 = 90

    2013/10/04 = 101

    2013/10/05 = 92

    Kind regards


  • You could start with an execute SQL task to query your calendar table for the current date (or current date - 1, not sure of your logic), and put the start and end dates into string variables.

    Then you can set up another variable with your data source query, and append the date variables, and then set up an expression in your main data flow for the sql command in your data source, putting the string in.

  • frdrckmitchell7 (10/29/2013)

    Good day all the clever ones

    I have a table (stock) that I need to update every day from a certain date (the first day of the month) to the the present day - 1. In other words, the stock needs to be updated until yesterday. Is there anyone that can help me with this? I am working through a Calendar table where all the dates are already set up. Is there anyone out there with an idea of how I can go about doing this?

    I need to loop through a container in ssis to do the following:

    UpdateCubeOn |UpdateDateFrom |UpdateDateTo

    2013/10/01 | 20131001 |20131001

    2013/10/02 | 20131001 |20131002

    2013/10/03 | 20131001 |20131003

    2013/10/04 | 20131001 |20131004

    2013/10/05 | 20131001 |20131005




    So my stock will now be:

    2013/10/01 = 100

    2013/10/02 = 110

    2013/10/03 = 90

    2013/10/04 = 101

    2013/10/05 = 92

    Kind regards


    I'm a bit confused by your question. Can you take a look at the link in my signature & attempt to provide sample data in a format which is more easily consumed? Along with expected results? From the above, I cannot see where the 100,110 etc results come from, for example.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Hi Phil

    I am not sure with the 'link in your signature' so I will respond this way:

    The 100, 110, etc is the fluctuation of the stock, in other words the stock being sold on different day. The 100, 110, etc. is the stock that is left on that day. Every day the stock at a certain branch will be different. What essentially has to happen is I need to create in my ssis package a for loop that will populate a table from the dates stipulated what the stock at a certain branch are. This was I will see if the stock needs to be ordered, or if one branch has stock that the other don't have, then move the stock to the branch that do not have the stock.

    Kind regards


  • Hi Phil

    Here is additional sample data. This is what I get when I run a query.

    facilityItemCode ItemDescription TxnQtyFacOpbBalanceOnDateDate

    41179 Gouda CL20Kg Cuts 2x10kg395803958 20131011

    41179 Gouda CL20Kg Cuts 2x10kg000 20131002

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg1.501.5 20131017

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg000 20131011

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg-328.70-328.7 20131014

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg868.10868.1 20131023

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg487.30487.3 20131007

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg000 20131010

    41187 F/Value Gouda Round 2x3.5kg-160.10-160.1 20131019

    This is the table I have created that will be populated with the above data:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DW_Fact_InventoryBalances](

    [KeyDate] [int] NOT NULL,

    [KeyDepot] [int] NOT NULL,

    [KeyItem] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TransactionQuantity] decimal(11,3) NULL,

    [FacilityOpeningBalance] decimal(11,3) NULL,

    [BalanceOnDate] decimal(11,3) NULL

    In this table I want to store my data for a certain period (month). It will always have to populate the table from the first of the month to yesterday.

    This query finds me the first day of the month.

    Select TrxDateNumeric /*for example: 20131011*/

    from dbo.View_Dim_CalendarDefinition as C WITH (NOLOCK)

    inner join dbo.View_Dim_SystemParameters WITH (NOLOCK)

    on Run_Type = 'SALES'

    where TrxDate = RUN_DateHistoryFrom

    I need to do a for loop that will take the above query and start populating my table as stipulated above.

    This table will then have the available stock (BalanceOnDate) for a branch (facility) for a particular day. Now, looking at the data of my query I know on the 19th (as per the data above) I will have to get more stock.

    Kind regards


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