Loop through table and print each row in an excel file

  • Hey Vani......

    Finally you have done it !!! great !!!

    But the mistake you made is setting the filepath variable...

    you cannot give the filename or extn in the variable since we will dynamically add these values in the expressions...

    so the filepath variables value should be ...

    filepath - "c:\....\Desktop\Results\"

    And in the expression of connectionstring (either for excel or flat file) we append the filename with extn.

    so in the expression it should be

    @filepath + "filename"+ ".txt" or @filepath + "filename" +".xls"

    Anyways, never give up on what you are doing....success is always around you , you have to choose the correct path to reach it ....

    And finally about the coffee....we will definitely have it once you are back to India..:-)

    With Regards,

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