Loop through each instance on a server

  • I'm writing a query to loop through each instance on a server so I can get each instances relevant information. I can't seem to get each instances sql service and sql agent service, either one or the other. Any ideas?

    DECLARE @InstanceNames varchar(50), @sql varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @GetInstances TABLE (Value varchar(100), InstanceNames varchar(50), Data varchar(100), ID int IDENTITY(1,1))

    DECLARE @Serverinfo TABLE (ServerName varchar(50), InstanceName varchar(50), ProductVersion varchar(20), ProductLevel char(3)

    , ProductEdition varchar(50), IsClustered varchar(3), IsAG varchar(3), OperatingSystem varchar(50), Ram varchar(20)

    , SQLServiceAcct varchar(50), SQLAgentAcct varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO @GetInstances

    EXECUTE xp_regread

    @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',

    @key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server',

    @value_name = 'InstalledInstances'

    SELECT InstanceNames from @GetInstances

    DECLARE curGetInfo CURSOR for

    SELECT InstanceNames

    FROM @GetInstances

    OPEN curGetInfo

    FETCH NEXT FROM curGetInfo INTO @InstanceNames



    SET @sql = '


    THEN (SELECT cluster_nodename FROM sys.dm_server_services WHERE servicename = ''SQL Server (' + @InstanceNames + ')'')

    ELSE CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(''MachineName'') as varchar(50))

    END ServerName

    , ''' + @InstanceNames + ''' InstanceName

    , CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(''ProductVersion'') as varchar(20)) ProductVersion

    , CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(''ProductLevel'') as char(3)) ProductLevel

    , CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(''Edition'') as varchar(50)) ProductEdition

    , CASE WHEN SERVERPROPERTY(''IsClustered'') = 1

    THEN ''Yes''

    ELSE ''No''

    END IsClustered


    THEN ''Yes''

    ELSE ''No''

    END IsAG

    , RIGHT(@@VERSION, LEN(@@VERSION) -3 -CHARINDEX('' ON '', @@VERSION)) OperatingSystem

    , ''16.0''RAM

    , (SELECT service_account FROM sys.dm_server_services WHERE servicename = ''SQL Server (' + @InstanceNames + ')'') SQLServiceAcct

    , (SELECT service_account FROM sys.dm_server_services WHERE servicename = ''SQL Server Agent (' + @InstanceNames + ')'') SQLAgentAcct

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info'

    select @sql

    INSERT INTO @Serverinfo

    EXEC (@SQL)

    FETCH NEXT FROM curGetInfo INTO @InstanceNames


    CLOSE curGetInfo

    DEALLOCATE curGetInfo

    select * from @Serverinfo

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • Quick thought, how about cmd net start and parse the output?


  • I don't want to start anything, just trying to get info. I'd like to stay with a SQL query.

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • SQLHeap (4/15/2015)

    I don't want to start anything, just trying to get info. I'd like to stay with a SQL query.

    without any parameters it only lists the services, should be easy to parse the output.


  • That lists out the services yes, but I'm looking for the account that the SQL services are running under.

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • I use powershell for this type of cross server activities. Here's an example: USING POWERSHELL TO LOOP THROUGH A LIST OF SQL SERVER DATABASES[/url]

  • Just ran your code on a multi instance box (10 running and 4 not running), all showing up in the results, could this be a permission issue?


    BTW: the services not running show up with NULLs in SQLServiceAcct and SQLAgentAcct.

  • GRRRR, doesn't work for me at home either:crazy:

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

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