looking for articles

  • Hi

    I have two subscription for one publisher ,In one subscription i am publishing all tables for one server and for second i am publishing some articles for diff server,

    Now i want to look those some articles from publisher properties but it does not show the some articles and always show the all articles of first one .Kindly suggest how can i find my some articles for second subscriber.



  • Articles belong to a Publication, Did you create 2 Publications, 1 for each Subscriber? If each Subscriber is suppose to have different Articles, then you need to creat 2 seperate Publications!

    Kindest Regards,

  • No my publisher is one only for both.....

  • If you only have 1 Publication, then how can you replicate different Articles to 2 Subscribers?

    Kindest Regards,

  • publisher is same for both but it is publishing some articles for one and all articles for other.


  • try this - sp_helpsubscription @Publication = 'PubName'

    Exec this in the published db and this will show you articles published and who is subscribered to them.

    Obviously you can have one pub serving different subs - especially if you use scripts to manage your replication instead of EM.




  • Thanks but i need the list of articles for both the subscription separately.


  • Easy! Simply add the @subscriber parameter.

    Suggest you look sp_helpsubscription syntax in BOL -

    sp_helpsubscription [ [ @publication = ] 'publication' ]

        [ , [ @article = ] 'article' ]

        [ , [ @subscriber = ] 'subscriber' ]

        [ , [ @destination_db = ] 'destination_db' ]

        [ , [ @found =] found OUTPUT ]

    So we have a publication called 'MyPub', and two subscriptions - 'MyFirstSub' and 'MySecondSub'

    As the defaults for @article and @subscriber are '%' (to get all) you could simply run sp_helpsubscription with different @subscriber parameter values.

    eg - List articles from MyPub for MyFirstSub

    exec sp_helpsubscription @publication = 'MyPub', @subscriber = 'MyFirstSub'

    eg - List articles from MyPub for MySecondSub

    exec sp_helpsubscription @publication = 'MyPub', @subscriber = 'MySecondSub'

    Its easy to write some T-SQL code to loop your pubs and subs, check the articles and output lists or found flags to find what you are asking for.





  • But this give me only:

    command executed successfully:

  • That's what you get when you exec the stored proc in the wrong database context - make sure you exec sp_helpsubscription in the context of the published database.

    Ok here's what I've got so we're on the same page:

    SQL Server 2000, SvcPk 3 (for both the subs and pub)

    A single publication with all tables from a user database (no filtering on any articles - ie all columns and all rows published - nice and simple.)

    2 push subscribers

    I connect to my published database (ie use MyDb).

    When I exec:

    sp_helpsubscription @publication = 'MyDb', @subscriber = 'MySubA'

    I get a list of subscribed articles for this sub - in this case 1 article.

    When I exec:

    sp_helpsubscription @publication = 'MyDb', @subscriber = 'MySubB'

    I get a list of subscribed articles for this sub - in this case 2 articles.


    Now as much as everyone hates people looking at system tables if you look at syssubscriptions in your published database you'll similar info in raw form.


    Use MyDb

    select  artid











     ,queued_reinit  from dbo.syssubscriptions


    Check out Books-On-Line it explains it better than I can.



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