January 19, 2015 at 8:03 am
I have a query to generate result like this:
row_number() over (order by @@rowcount) as ID,
HML = Case when High = 1 Then 'High' Else case when Medium = 1 Then 'Medium' else case When Low = 1 Then 'Low' End End End,
sum(case when ltrim(rtrim(deviceTypeDesc)) in
('IBM Server',
'Netware Server',
'OpenVMS Server',
'Tandem Server',
'Unix Server',
'VMWare Server',
'Windows Server',
'All BSD',
'WorldGroup Server') then 1 else 0 end) as [Server]
from z_SIVMS_currentHosts
Group by High, Medium, Low
Please note, for the sake of starting it with a simpler version, I include only 'Server' from deviceTypeDesc in the query, the actual deviceTypeDesc has more than 'Server'.
What I am looking for is a tranposed result like:
Here is the code I came up but I will end up using multiple Union to join each single BoxType, I am looking for an elegant/efficient way to get the result:
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
row_number() over (order by @@rowcount) as ID,
ltrim(rtrim(deviceTypeDesc)) as 'BoxType',
Sum(Case when High = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) as High,
Sum(Case when Medium = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) as Medium,
Sum(Case when Low = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) as Low
from z_SIVMS_currentHosts
Group by ltrim(rtrim(deviceTypeDesc))
Having ltrim(rtrim(deviceTypeDesc)) in
('IBM Server',
'Netware Server',
'OpenVMS Server',
'Tandem Server',
'Unix Server',
'VMWare Server',
'Windows Server',
'All BSD',
'WorldGroup Server') ) s
Thank you very much.
January 19, 2015 at 8:22 am
Two methods in the following article. For performance reasons and readability (even though the code can be a bit longer), I prefer the "CROSSTAB" method.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 19, 2015 at 8:26 am
To add to that, you're grouping by the wrong column. You need to group by the BOX TYPE column.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 19, 2015 at 8:52 am
You can use PIVOT if you wish:
;WITH YourQuery
( -- Put your query here:
FROM (VALUES (1,'Low',8137),
(2, 'Medium', 842),
(3, 'High', 4782)) D(ID,HML,Server)
SELECT 'Server' AS BoxType, PT.[Low], PT.[Medium], PT.[High]
PIVOT (MAX(Server) FOR HML IN ([Low],[Medium],[High])) AS PT
January 19, 2015 at 8:56 am
Jeff Moden (1/19/2015)
To add to that, you're grouping by the wrong column. You need to group by the BOX TYPE column.
I am not grouping on the wrong column, each final boxtype contains more than one occurences of individual boxtype.
I have completed my final script and I am using the same "ugly" way to do it as I think in my case it is the nature of the raw data.
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select .... ) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select .... ) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
Thanks anyway.
February 10, 2015 at 8:30 pm
halifaxdal (1/19/2015)
Jeff Moden (1/19/2015)
To add to that, you're grouping by the wrong column. You need to group by the BOX TYPE column.I am not grouping on the wrong column, each final boxtype contains more than one occurences of individual boxtype.
I have completed my final script and I am using the same "ugly" way to do it as I think in my case it is the nature of the raw data.
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select .... ) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select .... ) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
select 'Server' as BoxType, Sum(s.High) as High, Sum(s.Medium) as Medium,Sum(s.Low) as Low From
(select ....) s
Thanks anyway.
Sorry for the late reply. How's this working out for you? I might have been able to help a bit more if you actually posted the missing SELECTs here. Also, if you did it right, you shouldn't need the additional overhead of the implicit DISTINCT that each UNION does.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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