Looking for a way to query AD and get all groups a user is a member of including nested

  • From active directory I need to pull a complete, recursive/nested listing of groups for a given list of users.

    For example

    User1 is in GroupABC

    GroupABC is in GroupDEF and GroupDEF is in GROUPGHI

    I need this output

    user | group

    User1 | GroupABC

    User1 | GroupDEF

    User1 | GroupGHI

    Need to be able to query it from SSRS, so I need this in a view or a snapshot of the output into a table. A view would be best.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

  • What you want is covered in Chapter 5 of Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies. Basically, you'll write a .NET CLR function querying AD.

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