October 21, 2009 at 12:10 am
I am struggling to do this. I am creating a sample package which will have csv file as input and i am loading it to a table. before loading to table i need to check whether a row is modified or not if modified i need to modify with input data and if that data is not present i need to insert.
I took one look up transformation , flat file source and conditional split
my idea is i will load lookup component with already existing table data and i want to compare this data with incoming flat file data using conditional split. Am i doing wrong?? Could you please guide me in this process.
October 26, 2009 at 4:09 am
Hi - I think you need to pass the data from the Flat file source straight into the lookup, then compare each row, any rows which match are the same so you can forget them.
Use the lookup to add one of the columns from the lookup table into your dataflow (columns view in the lookup <add as new column>)
Rows which don't match will be sent to the error output of the lookup - attach this to your conditional split & change teh behavior from "fail" to "redirect row" which you use to split rows into those with a value in the column you added to the data flow in the lookup & those with no value.
Rows with a value exist in the destination table so send these to an OLEDB Transfrom to perform an UPDATE.
Rows with no value in the looup table don;t exist so send these to an OLEDB destination to INSERT them into the table.
Remember if you are using Full caching in your lookup then lookups are CAse SeSitIve - you will need to use a character map transform to make a copy of columns in upper case & Upper your input as well.
I hope this makes some kind of sense!! Jamie Thompson probably explains it all better than me here:
S C Penguin
October 27, 2009 at 1:26 am
Thanks for your detailed explanation. I am able to create successfully a sample package. I have few more doubts. I will mention them below
1) Is it possible to send multiple columns out put from conditional split
2) Is loading data into fact tables in a star schema dataware house differs to nomal ETL process
October 27, 2009 at 3:24 am
1) Is it possible to send multiple columns out put from conditional split
The Conditional Split will pass all columns through - it just sends different rows via different routes.
2) Is loading data into fact tables in a star schema dataware house differs to nomal ETL process
Not at all - in fact that is probably more the "normal" process (it's what I use it for anyway!)
I hope I understood your questions properly!
S C Penguin
October 27, 2009 at 5:22 am
Would you like to explain what it is meant by
a) different rows via different routes
b) columns through
c) normal process
October 27, 2009 at 5:36 am
a) different rows via different routes
A conditional split will produce more than one output & you can then perform different tasks on each output e.g. you may use the conditional split to separate rows based on a Country column, then you could insert rows with a country of "UK" into one table & insert rows with a country of "US" to another table.
b) columns through
All I'm saying is that the data isn't changed by the conditional split - all the columns & rows going into a conditional split will also be outputed from it.
c) normal process
You mentioned your Star schema as if it was not a "normal" process - I was tryingto make the point that loading a Warehosue Star schema is a perfectly normal use of SSIS & Lookups.
I hope I am making some sense!
October 27, 2009 at 5:46 am
First of all thanks your detailed reply and your kind coordination
sample data
surya,Admin1,A0012, 12.12.2008
rakesh,HR,T001, 10.12.2008
shree, Finance, F001,
shan,Tech,H002, 5.12.2007
as you said i am connecting flat file to look up transformation, i am referencing a table as source
which was in database filtering data using primary key
for example emp in the above data
now i want to update only changed data
for suppose empcode and join_date
i am connecting conditional split to script component
in script component i am writing query for updating table data with changed column data
Could you please guide me how to accomplish this
Thanks in advance,
October 27, 2009 at 9:36 am
If you want to update data in a dataflow you are probably better off with the "OLEDB Command" transformation rather than a script component.
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