Long Running Processes

  • I am looking for a query to find and kill long running processes...Now i know i will get a lot of people wanting to tell me to look inot the process and see whats going on but mainly they are sleeping process from a application on a report server.  The reports should never run longer than 30 minutes so i am trying to set up the query to kill anything that is over 60 minutes.  I have found the below code and i understand it BUT i cant see where i can make the changes to a length of time to kill the processes.

    any help is appreciated. 

    USE Master


    -- 1 - Variable Declaration
    DECLARE @spidNumber int
    DECLARE @SpidListLoop int
    DECLARE @SpidListTable TABLE
    (UIDSpidList int IDENTITY (1,1),
    SpidNumber int)

    -- 2 - Populate @SpidListTable with the spid information
    -- Master, Tempdb, Model, MSDB
    INSERT INTO @SpidListTable (SpidNumber)
    SELECT spid
    FROM Master.dbo.sysprocesses
    WHERE DBID NOT IN (1,2,3,4) AND spid > 50 AND spid <>@@spid
    ORDER BY spid DESC

    -- 3b - Determine the highest UIDSpidList to loop through the records
    SELECT @SpidListLoop = MAX(UIDSpidList) FROM @SpidListTable

    -- 3c - While condition for looping through the spid records
    WHILE @SpidListLoop > 0

    -- 3d - Capture spids location
    SELECT @spidNumber = spidnumber
    FROM @spidListTable
    WHERE UIDspidList = @SpidListLoop

    -- 3e - String together the KILL statement
    SELECT @CMD1 = 'KILL ' + CAST(@spidNumber AS VARCHAR(5))

    -- 3f - Execute the final string to KILL the spids i purposely made this print so NOTHING is done accidently
    --EXEC (@CMD1)
    PRINT (@CMD1)

    -- 3g - Descend through the spid list
    SELECT @SpidListLoop = @SpidListLoop - 1


    Thanks D


  • Something like that 

    SELECT 'kill ' + cast(spid as varchar) cmd2kill, *
    FROM Master.dbo.sysprocesses
    WHERE DBID NOT IN (1,2,3,4) AND spid > 50 AND spid <>@@spid
    and program_name='Report Server'
    and login_time <= dateadd(hour, -1,getdate())

  • Thanks a TON to goher2000 ... That works perfectly and greatly appreciated.  I actually just use the code you created and took out the other stuff that i had previously...much more precise and to the point.



  • How would i make this so it run fully automated in a job.  I need to take the "kill 001" and in the end
    string them all together  so that it runs and does the exec as well

    SELECT 'kill ' + cast(spid as varchar) cmd2kill, *
    FROM Master.dbo.sysprocesses
    WHERE DBID NOT IN (1,2,3,4) AND spid > 50 AND spid <>@@spid
    and program_name='Report Server'
    and login_time <= dateadd(hour, -1,getdate()) 
    --how to take the select statement and put it in a @CMD2KILL so then i can EXEC @CMD2KILL  

    Thank you


  • enjoy

    declare @cmd2kill varchar(10)=null;
    declare killproc cursor for
    SELECT 'kill ' + cast(spid as varchar)
    FROM Master.dbo.sysprocesses
    WHERE DBID NOT IN (1,2,3,4) AND spid > 50 AND spid <>@@spid
    and program_name='Report Server'
    and login_time <= dateadd(hour, -1,getdate())
    open killproc
    fetch next from killproc into @cmd2kill
    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
    print @cmd2kill
    --exec(@cmd2kill) -- really want to kill em.
    fetch next from killproc into @cmd2kill
    close killproc
    deallocate killproc

  • Goher2000...you are much appreciated..




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