Logshipping status report Throgh Mail

  • Hi

    Where I need to run this script,Primary server or Secondary


  • MyDoggieJessie (3/1/2012)

    Doesn't the query I posted above give you the results you are looking for?

    I don't believe there is a way to access/schedule the SSRS report that's built in to MSSQL (if there is I can't find it).

    Here's the dissected code from the exec sp_help_log_shipping_monitor if you run this on the log shipped server it will email you an email like the one attached. This code should run without change on any server (as long as database mail is enabled) - It will LOOP thorugh all the log shipped databases, returning the log shipping status for EACH

    USE [master]



    set nocount on

    DECLARE @Recipientsvarchar(275)

    DECLARE @Subject varchar(275)

    DECLARE @Body varchar(MAX)

    DECLARE @server varchar(25)

    DECLARE @idx int, @status varchar(25), @DB varchar(25), @LastCopy varchar(6), @LastCFile varchar(250),

    @LastRestore varchar(6), @LastRFile varchar(250), @Latency varchar(3), @Threshold varchar(3)

    declare @retcode int

    ,@primary_id uniqueidentifier

    ,@primary_server sysname

    ,@primary_database sysname

    ,@backup_threshold int

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled bit

    ,@secondary_id uniqueidentifier

    ,@secondary_server sysname

    ,@secondary_database sysname

    ,@restore_threshold int

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled bit

    ,@last_copied_file nvarchar(500)

    ,@last_copied_utc datetime

    ,@time_since_last_copy int

    ,@last_restored_file nvarchar(500)

    ,@last_restored_utc datetime

    ,@time_since_last_restore int

    ,@last_restored_latency int

    ,@prev_primary_server sysname

    ,@prev_primary_database sysname

    ,@monitor_server sysname

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode int

    ,@is_monitor_local bit

    ,@curutcdate datetime

    ,@linkcmd nvarchar(4000)

    SET @Recipients = 'you@company.com'

    SET @Body = ''

    SET @server = @@SERVERNAME

    SET @Subject = @server + ' :: Daily Transaction Log Shipping Status'

    SET @Body = '<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana"><b>' + @server + ': </b></font><hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> '

    create table #log_shipping_monitor


    idx int identity(1,1)

    ,status bit null

    ,is_primary bit not null default 0

    ,server sysname

    ,database_name sysname

    ,is_backup_alert_enabled bit null

    ,time_since_last_copy int null

    ,last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null

    ,time_since_last_restore int null

    ,last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null

    ,last_restored_latency int null

    ,restore_threshold int null

    ,is_restore_alert_enabled bit null

    ,ts timestamp not null

    ,primary key (is_primary, server, database_name)

    ,unique (ts)



    -- create other tables we will use


    create table #secondary_monitor


    secondary_server sysname not null,

    secondary_database sysname not null,

    secondary_id uniqueidentifier not null,

    primary_server sysname not null,

    primary_database sysname not null,

    restore_threshold int not null,

    threshold_alert int not null,

    threshold_alert_enabled bit not null,

    last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_copied_date datetime null,

    last_copied_date_utc datetime null,

    last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_restored_date datetime null,

    last_restored_date_utc datetime null,

    last_restored_latency int null,

    history_retention_period int not null,

    primary key (secondary_id, secondary_database)


    create table #primary_monitor


    primary_id uniqueidentifier primary key not null,

    primary_server sysname not null,

    primary_database sysname not null,

    backup_threshold int not null,

    threshold_alert int not null,

    threshold_alert_enabled bit not null,

    last_backup_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_backup_date datetime null,

    last_backup_date_utc datetime null,

    history_retention_period int not null,

    unique (primary_server, primary_database)



    -- get current time


    select @curutcdate = getutcdate()


    -- Enumerate the primary entries


    declare #hcprimaries cursor local fast_forward for







    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    order by primary_server, primary_database

    open #hcprimaries

    fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- we have a primary entry


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (






    values (







    -- process secondaries


    if (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@@servername))



    -- we are on primary server

    -- get monitor server information


    select @monitor_server = monitor_server

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases

    where primary_id = @primary_id

    select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end


    -- enumerate the secondaries listed on primary


    declare #hcprimarysecondaries cursor local fast_forward for

    select secondary_server, secondary_database

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_secondaries with (nolock)

    where primary_id = @primary_id

    open #hcprimarysecondaries

    fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- add this primary secondary to result set


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (is_primary ,server, database_name)

    values (0, @secondary_server, @secondary_database)

    select @secondary_id = NULL


    -- Enumerate this secondary from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary


    if (@is_monitor_local = 1)



    -- local monitor



    @secondary_id = secondary_id

    ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file

    ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file

    ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    and secondary_server = upper(@secondary_server)

    and secondary_database = @secondary_database

    end -- local monitor




    -- remote monitor


    if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))



    -- execute as proxy


    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary

    @monitor_server = @monitor_server

    ,@p1 = @primary_server

    ,@p2 = @primary_database

    ,@p3 = @secondary_server

    ,@p4 = @secondary_database

    ,@p5 = @secondary_id output

    ,@p6 = @restore_threshold output

    ,@p7 = @is_restore_alert_enabled output

    ,@p8 = @last_copied_file output

    ,@p9 = @last_copied_utc output

    ,@p10 = @last_restored_file output

    ,@p11 = @last_restored_utc output

    ,@p12 = @last_restored_latency output




    delete #secondary_monitor

    select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_secondary '

    ,@retcode = 0

    begin try

    insert into #secondary_monitor

    exec @retcode = @linkcmd

    @secondary_server = @secondary_server

    ,@secondary_database = @secondary_database

    end try

    begin catch

    select @retcode = 1

    ,@secondary_id = NULL

    end catch

    if (@retcode = 0)


    select @secondary_id = secondary_id

    ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file

    ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file

    ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency

    from #secondary_monitor

    where upper(primary_server) = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database




    raiserror(32031, 10, 1, @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @monitor_server)



    end -- remote monitor


    -- do we have data on this secondary


    if (@secondary_id is not null)



    -- yes we do - update the entry


    select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate)

    ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)

    update #log_shipping_monitor


    status = case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end

    ,time_since_last_copy = @time_since_last_copy

    ,last_copied_file = @last_copied_file

    ,time_since_last_restore = @time_since_last_restore

    ,last_restored_file = @last_restored_file

    ,last_restored_latency = @last_restored_latency

    ,restore_threshold = @restore_threshold

    ,is_restore_alert_enabled = @is_restore_alert_enabled

    where upper(server) = upper(@secondary_server)

    and database_name = @secondary_database

    end -- update secondary data


    -- fetch next primary secondary


    fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database


    close #hcprimarysecondaries

    deallocate #hcprimarysecondaries

    end -- we are on primary server processing primaries




    -- we are on monitor server

    -- get details of the secondaries from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary

    -- if the same monitor is being used by secondaries


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (













    case when (datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate) > restore_threshold

    or last_restored_latency > restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end




    ,datediff(minute, last_copied_date_utc, @curutcdate)


    ,datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate)





    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    end -- we are on monitor server processing primaries

    fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled

    end -- while cursor for hcprimaries

    close #hcprimaries

    deallocate #hcprimaries


    -- Enumerate the secondary entries

    -- minus existing secondary entries in resultset


    declare #hcsecondaries cursor local fast_forward for




    ,secondary_id uniqueidentifier










    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary with (nolock)

    where not exists (select * from #log_shipping_monitor

    where upper(server) = upper(secondary_server)

    and database_name = secondary_database

    and is_primary = 0)

    order by primary_server, primary_database

    open #hcsecondaries

    fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,

    @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled,

    @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- Have we processed the primary for this secondary


    if not (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@prev_primary_server)

    and @primary_database = @prev_primary_database)



    -- No - Try to get the details of this primary


    select @primary_id = null

    if (upper(@secondary_server) = upper(@@servername))



    -- we are on secondary

    -- get monitor server information


    select @monitor_server = monitor_server

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary with (nolock)

    where secondary_id = @secondary_id

    select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end

    if (@is_monitor_local = 1)



    -- local monitor


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database





    -- remote monitor


    if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))



    -- execute as proxy


    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpprimary

    @monitor_server = @monitor_server

    ,@p1 = @primary_server

    ,@p2 = @primary_database

    ,@p3 = @primary_id output

    ,@p4 = @backup_threshold output

    ,@p5 = @is_backup_alert_enabled output




    delete #primary_monitor

    select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_primary '

    ,@retcode = 0

    begin try

    insert into #primary_monitor

    exec @retcode = @linkcmd

    @primary_server = @primary_server

    ,@primary_database = @primary_database

    end try

    begin catch

    select @retcode = 1

    ,@primary_id = NULL

    end catch

    if (@retcode = 0)


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from #primary_monitor




    raiserror(32030, 10, 1, @primary_server, @primary_database, @monitor_server)


    end -- processing remote


    end -- processing on secondary




    -- we are on monitor server


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    end -- processing on monitor server


    -- insert primary details if available


    if (@primary_id is not null)


    select @prev_primary_server = @primary_server

    ,@prev_primary_database = @primary_database

    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (






    values (






    end -- primary data available

    end -- process the primary


    -- Insert the secondary


    select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate)

    ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)

    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (












    values (

    case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end












    -- get the next secondary


    fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,

    @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled,

    @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency

    end -- while cursor for hcsecondaries

    close #hcsecondaries

    deallocate #hcsecondaries


    -- return resultset


    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor)


    SELECT TOP 1 @idx = idx, @status = (CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END),

    @DB = database_name, @LastCopy = time_since_last_copy, @LastCFile = last_copied_file,

    @LastRestore = time_since_last_restore, @LastRFile = last_restored_file,

    @Latency = last_restored_latency, @Threshold = restore_threshold

    FROM #log_shipping_monitor order by ts

    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body)

    + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">'

    + '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + '


    + CASE WHEN @status = 'Good' THEN

    '<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + '


    ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>

    ' END

    + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + '


    + '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + '


    + '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + '


    + '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + '


    + '</td></tr>'

    + '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> '

    DELETE FROM #log_shipping_monitor WHERE idx = @idx


    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>'

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients

    ,@subject = @Subject

    ,@body = @Body

    ,@body_format = 'HTML'


    DROP Table #log_shipping_monitor

    DROP TABLE #primary_monitor

    DROP TABLE #secondary_monitor

    Hi MyDoggieJessie where to execute your code ,i assume at secondary.we donot have monitor server second i am getting following error for "sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary" says cant find out object or object doesnot exist

    and similar error to for sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the script, it's a great work for sharing 🙂

    When I run the script and an email has been sent out to my inbox, but its content all in 1 line, there is no line break. So, it becomes a very long lines with all information.

    Could you help to fix this minor issue?


    - Peter

  • Curious, have you altered the original script? Are you getting the results as an attachment or as the embedded HTML?

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients

    ,@subject = @Subject

    ,@body = @Body

    ,@body_format = 'HTML'Please make sure you are able to receive HTML-based email.

    Can you post a screen shot?

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your response.

    I didn't alter anything from your script, just copy, paste and execute it.

    I'm using SQL server 2008 R2 and Outlook 2007. My outlook is able to receive HTML format email and I don't have any problem so far.

    I've uploaded a sample output that I'm getting in my inbox.

    Please check and advice.


    - Peter

  • EDIT: The post removes the < br /> tag that I added...so you need to put that back into the code...

    I believe it's a rendering issue; but easily fixed. Replace the section of code like the one below with:SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body)

    + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">'

    + '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + '


    + CASE WHEN @status = 'Good' THEN

    '<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + '


    ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>

    ' END

    + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + '


    + '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + '


    + '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + '


    + '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + '


    + '</td></tr>'

    + '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> '

    Basically you just need to add the

    HTML tag to the end of each line. Should work just fine (as I got the same problem with my Outlook 2010 client and this resolved it)

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the update.

    I've tried the updated codes and it still produces the same output, everything still in 1 line, no line break.

    However, I've tried to add a line break in each lines and it produces a better output, just what I was looking for. So problem solved! 🙂


    - Peter

  • Hi,

    Have some queries:

    - How to add date and timestamp to the message?

    - What does it mean when the status is showing GOOD or otherwise?

    - Should the script be run in primary or seconday database?

    - Possible to copy the script output to a text file saved on local hard disk?

    Hope you can help.

    Thank you.

    - Peter

  • Hi,

    When I tried to run the same script on my other database, it's throwing below errors. The same exact script, no change at all.

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.

    Please advice.


    - Peter

  • Peter2012 (1/14/2015)


    Have some queries:

    - How to add date and timestamp to the message?

    - What does it mean when the status is showing GOOD or otherwise?

    - Should the script be run in primary or seconday database?

    - Possible to copy the script output to a text file saved on local hard disk?

    1. Yes you can do this (SELECT GETDATE()) - ?

    2. Status is determined by the code: case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end So, if as long as the last restored log file is greater than the threshold that's been set (in this case, it comes from the msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary column) then it returns "good", otherwise, it returns "bad".

    3. Secondary (please read the posts in the beginning of this thread) - it was answered above

    4. Yes. Please review "Sending an e-mail message with the results of a query" from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190307.aspx

    Bascially you would comment out/remove the WHILE(EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor) ... END and change the send mail routine to be something like:EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients

    ,@subject = @Subject

    ,@body = @Body

    ,@query = 'SELECT * FROM #log_shipping_monitor'

    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1

    ,@body_format = 'HTML'

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Peter2012 (1/14/2015)


    When I tried to run the same script on my other database, it's throwing below errors. The same exact script, no change at all.

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.

    Please ensure you are running this on your Secondary server

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your updates. Appreciate it.

    Regarding below errors, yes, I've run the same script on a seconday database and I've checked the database is currently on standby mode (restoring ...). The SQL version is exactly the same version as the one earlier where the same script was executed OK. Weird?

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.

    Any idea to fix the problem?

    Thanks again.

    - Peter

  • Hi,

    Could you help to fix this problem?

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127 Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.

    Perhaps need to convert this value?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    - Peter

  • MyDoggieJessie (3/1/2012)

    Doesn't the query I posted above give you the results you are looking for?

    I don't believe there is a way to access/schedule the SSRS report that's built in to MSSQL (if there is I can't find it).

    Here's the dissected code from the exec sp_help_log_shipping_monitor if you run this on the log shipped server it will email you an email like the one attached. This code should run without change on any server (as long as database mail is enabled) - It will LOOP thorugh all the log shipped databases, returning the log shipping status for EACH

    USE [master]



    set nocount on

    DECLARE @Recipientsvarchar(275)

    DECLARE @Subject varchar(275)

    DECLARE @Body varchar(MAX)

    DECLARE @server varchar(25)

    DECLARE @idx int, @status varchar(25), @DB varchar(25), @LastCopy varchar(6), @LastCFile varchar(250),

    @LastRestore varchar(6), @LastRFile varchar(250), @Latency varchar(3), @Threshold varchar(3)

    declare @retcode int

    ,@primary_id uniqueidentifier

    ,@primary_server sysname

    ,@primary_database sysname

    ,@backup_threshold int

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled bit

    ,@secondary_id uniqueidentifier

    ,@secondary_server sysname

    ,@secondary_database sysname

    ,@restore_threshold int

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled bit

    ,@last_copied_file nvarchar(500)

    ,@last_copied_utc datetime

    ,@time_since_last_copy int

    ,@last_restored_file nvarchar(500)

    ,@last_restored_utc datetime

    ,@time_since_last_restore int

    ,@last_restored_latency int

    ,@prev_primary_server sysname

    ,@prev_primary_database sysname

    ,@monitor_server sysname

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode int

    ,@is_monitor_local bit

    ,@curutcdate datetime

    ,@linkcmd nvarchar(4000)

    SET @Recipients = 'you@company.com'

    SET @Body = ''

    SET @server = @@SERVERNAME

    SET @Subject = @server + ' :: Daily Transaction Log Shipping Status'

    SET @Body = '<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana"><b>' + @server + ': </b></font><hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> '

    create table #log_shipping_monitor


    idx int identity(1,1)

    ,status bit null

    ,is_primary bit not null default 0

    ,server sysname

    ,database_name sysname

    ,is_backup_alert_enabled bit null

    ,time_since_last_copy int null

    ,last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null

    ,time_since_last_restore int null

    ,last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null

    ,last_restored_latency int null

    ,restore_threshold int null

    ,is_restore_alert_enabled bit null

    ,ts timestamp not null

    ,primary key (is_primary, server, database_name)

    ,unique (ts)



    -- create other tables we will use


    create table #secondary_monitor


    secondary_server sysname not null,

    secondary_database sysname not null,

    secondary_id uniqueidentifier not null,

    primary_server sysname not null,

    primary_database sysname not null,

    restore_threshold int not null,

    threshold_alert int not null,

    threshold_alert_enabled bit not null,

    last_copied_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_copied_date datetime null,

    last_copied_date_utc datetime null,

    last_restored_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_restored_date datetime null,

    last_restored_date_utc datetime null,

    last_restored_latency int null,

    history_retention_period int not null,

    primary key (secondary_id, secondary_database)


    create table #primary_monitor


    primary_id uniqueidentifier primary key not null,

    primary_server sysname not null,

    primary_database sysname not null,

    backup_threshold int not null,

    threshold_alert int not null,

    threshold_alert_enabled bit not null,

    last_backup_file nvarchar(500) null,

    last_backup_date datetime null,

    last_backup_date_utc datetime null,

    history_retention_period int not null,

    unique (primary_server, primary_database)



    -- get current time


    select @curutcdate = getutcdate()


    -- Enumerate the primary entries


    declare #hcprimaries cursor local fast_forward for







    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    order by primary_server, primary_database

    open #hcprimaries

    fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- we have a primary entry


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (






    values (







    -- process secondaries


    if (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@@servername))



    -- we are on primary server

    -- get monitor server information


    select @monitor_server = monitor_server

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases

    where primary_id = @primary_id

    select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end


    -- enumerate the secondaries listed on primary


    declare #hcprimarysecondaries cursor local fast_forward for

    select secondary_server, secondary_database

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_secondaries with (nolock)

    where primary_id = @primary_id

    open #hcprimarysecondaries

    fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- add this primary secondary to result set


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (is_primary ,server, database_name)

    values (0, @secondary_server, @secondary_database)

    select @secondary_id = NULL


    -- Enumerate this secondary from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary


    if (@is_monitor_local = 1)



    -- local monitor



    @secondary_id = secondary_id

    ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file

    ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file

    ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    and secondary_server = upper(@secondary_server)

    and secondary_database = @secondary_database

    end -- local monitor




    -- remote monitor


    if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))



    -- execute as proxy


    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary

    @monitor_server = @monitor_server

    ,@p1 = @primary_server

    ,@p2 = @primary_database

    ,@p3 = @secondary_server

    ,@p4 = @secondary_database

    ,@p5 = @secondary_id output

    ,@p6 = @restore_threshold output

    ,@p7 = @is_restore_alert_enabled output

    ,@p8 = @last_copied_file output

    ,@p9 = @last_copied_utc output

    ,@p10 = @last_restored_file output

    ,@p11 = @last_restored_utc output

    ,@p12 = @last_restored_latency output




    delete #secondary_monitor

    select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_secondary '

    ,@retcode = 0

    begin try

    insert into #secondary_monitor

    exec @retcode = @linkcmd

    @secondary_server = @secondary_server

    ,@secondary_database = @secondary_database

    end try

    begin catch

    select @retcode = 1

    ,@secondary_id = NULL

    end catch

    if (@retcode = 0)


    select @secondary_id = secondary_id

    ,@restore_threshold = restore_threshold

    ,@is_restore_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    ,@last_copied_file = last_copied_file

    ,@last_copied_utc = last_copied_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_file = last_restored_file

    ,@last_restored_utc = last_restored_date_utc

    ,@last_restored_latency = last_restored_latency

    from #secondary_monitor

    where upper(primary_server) = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database




    raiserror(32031, 10, 1, @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @monitor_server)



    end -- remote monitor


    -- do we have data on this secondary


    if (@secondary_id is not null)



    -- yes we do - update the entry


    select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate)

    ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)

    update #log_shipping_monitor


    status = case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end

    ,time_since_last_copy = @time_since_last_copy

    ,last_copied_file = @last_copied_file

    ,time_since_last_restore = @time_since_last_restore

    ,last_restored_file = @last_restored_file

    ,last_restored_latency = @last_restored_latency

    ,restore_threshold = @restore_threshold

    ,is_restore_alert_enabled = @is_restore_alert_enabled

    where upper(server) = upper(@secondary_server)

    and database_name = @secondary_database

    end -- update secondary data


    -- fetch next primary secondary


    fetch #hcprimarysecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database


    close #hcprimarysecondaries

    deallocate #hcprimarysecondaries

    end -- we are on primary server processing primaries




    -- we are on monitor server

    -- get details of the secondaries from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary

    -- if the same monitor is being used by secondaries


    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (













    case when (datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate) > restore_threshold

    or last_restored_latency > restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end




    ,datediff(minute, last_copied_date_utc, @curutcdate)


    ,datediff(minute, last_restored_date_utc, @curutcdate)





    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    end -- we are on monitor server processing primaries

    fetch #hcprimaries into @primary_id, @primary_server, @primary_database, @backup_threshold, @is_backup_alert_enabled

    end -- while cursor for hcprimaries

    close #hcprimaries

    deallocate #hcprimaries


    -- Enumerate the secondary entries

    -- minus existing secondary entries in resultset


    declare #hcsecondaries cursor local fast_forward for




    ,secondary_id uniqueidentifier










    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_secondary with (nolock)

    where not exists (select * from #log_shipping_monitor

    where upper(server) = upper(secondary_server)

    and database_name = secondary_database

    and is_primary = 0)

    order by primary_server, primary_database

    open #hcsecondaries

    fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,

    @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled,

    @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency

    while (@@fetch_status != -1)



    -- Have we processed the primary for this secondary


    if not (upper(@primary_server) = upper(@prev_primary_server)

    and @primary_database = @prev_primary_database)



    -- No - Try to get the details of this primary


    select @primary_id = null

    if (upper(@secondary_server) = upper(@@servername))



    -- we are on secondary

    -- get monitor server information


    select @monitor_server = monitor_server

    ,@monitor_server_security_mode = monitor_server_security_mode

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary with (nolock)

    where secondary_id = @secondary_id

    select @is_monitor_local = case when (upper(@monitor_server) = upper(@@servername)) then 1 else 0 end

    if (@is_monitor_local = 1)



    -- local monitor


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database





    -- remote monitor


    if (@monitor_server_security_mode = 0) and (suser_name() != SUSER_SNAME(0x01))



    -- execute as proxy


    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpprimary

    @monitor_server = @monitor_server

    ,@p1 = @primary_server

    ,@p2 = @primary_database

    ,@p3 = @primary_id output

    ,@p4 = @backup_threshold output

    ,@p5 = @is_backup_alert_enabled output




    delete #primary_monitor

    select @linkcmd = quotename(sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname(upper(@monitor_server))) + N'.master.sys.sp_help_log_shipping_monitor_primary '

    ,@retcode = 0

    begin try

    insert into #primary_monitor

    exec @retcode = @linkcmd

    @primary_server = @primary_server

    ,@primary_database = @primary_database

    end try

    begin catch

    select @retcode = 1

    ,@primary_id = NULL

    end catch

    if (@retcode = 0)


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from #primary_monitor




    raiserror(32030, 10, 1, @primary_server, @primary_database, @monitor_server)


    end -- processing remote


    end -- processing on secondary




    -- we are on monitor server


    select @primary_id = primary_id

    ,@backup_threshold = backup_threshold

    ,@is_backup_alert_enabled = threshold_alert_enabled

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary with (nolock)

    where primary_server = upper(@primary_server)

    and primary_database = @primary_database

    end -- processing on monitor server


    -- insert primary details if available


    if (@primary_id is not null)


    select @prev_primary_server = @primary_server

    ,@prev_primary_database = @primary_database

    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (






    values (






    end -- primary data available

    end -- process the primary


    -- Insert the secondary


    select @time_since_last_copy = datediff(minute, @last_copied_utc, @curutcdate)

    ,@time_since_last_restore = datediff(minute, @last_restored_utc, @curutcdate)

    insert into #log_shipping_monitor (












    values (

    case when (@time_since_last_restore > @restore_threshold or @last_restored_latency > @restore_threshold) then 1 else 0 end












    -- get the next secondary


    fetch #hcsecondaries into @secondary_server, @secondary_database, @secondary_id,

    @primary_server, @primary_database, @restore_threshold, @is_restore_alert_enabled,

    @last_copied_file, @last_copied_utc, @last_restored_file, @last_restored_utc, @last_restored_latency

    end -- while cursor for hcsecondaries

    close #hcsecondaries

    deallocate #hcsecondaries


    -- return resultset


    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 idx FROM #log_shipping_monitor)


    SELECT TOP 1 @idx = idx, @status = (CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 'Good' ELSE 'Bad' END),

    @DB = database_name, @LastCopy = time_since_last_copy, @LastCFile = last_copied_file,

    @LastRestore = time_since_last_restore, @LastRFile = last_restored_file,

    @Latency = last_restored_latency, @Threshold = restore_threshold

    FROM #log_shipping_monitor order by ts

    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body)

    + '<tr><td nowrap style="font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana">'

    + '<b>Database</b>:' + RTRIM(@DB) + '


    + CASE WHEN @status = 'Good' THEN

    '<b>Status</b>:' + RTRIM(@Status) + '


    ELSE '<b>Status</b>:<font size="+1" color="red">' + RTRIM(@Status) + '</font>

    ' END

    + '<b>Last Copied File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Copy (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastCopy) + '


    + '<b>Last Restored File</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRFile) + '


    + '<b>Time since last Restore (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@LastRestore) + '


    + '<b>Restore Latency (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Latency) + '


    + '<b>Restore Threshold (min)</b>:' + RTRIM(@Threshold) + '


    + '</td></tr>'

    + '<hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px;"> '

    DELETE FROM #log_shipping_monitor WHERE idx = @idx


    SET @Body = RTRIM(@Body) + '</table>'

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @Recipients

    ,@subject = @Subject

    ,@body = @Body

    ,@body_format = 'HTML'


    DROP Table #log_shipping_monitor

    DROP TABLE #primary_monitor

    DROP TABLE #secondary_monitor

    Hi MyDoggieJessie

    I have basic question where to execute the code you provided on secondary server ???

    does it requires witnesses server to be present ????

    I am getting below error "sys.sp_MSproxylogshippingmonitorhelpsecondary" says cant find out object or object doesnot exist

    and similar error to for sys.fn_MSgetlogshippingmoniterlinkname...

    is this because wintness server is not present ????

  • Peter2012 (1/15/2015)


    Could you help to fix this problem?

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 127 Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'DBCLUSTER' to data type bit.

    Perhaps need to convert this value?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    - Peter

    I'm pretty certain you're getting this error because you are running the script on your Primary server, not the Secondary. The reason I say this is a similar post was made earlier in this thread and it was because it was being run against the primary. Can you please confirm?

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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