Logshipping out of sync

  • Hi,

    My Logshipping is showing out of sync (sqlserver 2008R2)

    Please provided the steps to analysis & how to fix it

  • First Google result for log shipping out of sync is this article:


    Have you tried any of these steps?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • jamessdba (10/23/2014)


    My Logshipping is showing out of sync (sqlserver 2008R2)

    Please provided the steps to analysis & how to fix it

    Have you run a full backup on the primary since LS broke?

    Use this query against the primary and then against the secondary to find out if you have

    select name, differential_base_lsn from sys.master_files

    where database_id = db_id('yourdb') and type = 0

    If the differential base lsn matches on both primary and secondary, stop all LS jobs.

    Take a differential backup on the primary and then restore this to the secondary. Now restart all the LS jobs.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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