Logins & password

  • How to get all logins & users with their password into other server while doing migration?

  • there's a Microsoft proc you can download that extracts users and their hashed passwords named sp_help_revlogin;

    you use it for exactly what you are asking copying/transferring existing windows users/groups/SQL users to another machine.

    i would recommend grabbing this enhanced version instead, which also grabs any roles those same logins are members of...

    that way, when you copy someone, and they were sysadmin on the old machine, they have the same permissions on the new one.



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • which versions of sql server are you moving between?

    This is my script I use but wont work from sql2008 -> sql 2012 as the encryptor changed



    DECLARE @uid INT


    SELECT @sql = ''


    --First get the SQL logins


    SELECT principal_id, [type] INTO #sqlusers FROM sys.server_principals WHERE [type] = 'S' AND principal_id > 4

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #sqlusers) = 0


    SELECT @sql = @sql + '/*No SQL Logins have been found on ' + @@SERVERNAME + '*/'

    PRINT @sql + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)




    SELECT @sql = '/*Scripting all SQL server logins' + CHAR(10) +

    '===================================================================================' + CHAR(13) +

    'Note: these are the users found in the instance ' + @@SERVERNAME + ', but they may not all be valid, check them first*/' +

    CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)

    PRINT @sql

    SELECT @sql = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'USE [master]' + CHAR(13) + 'GO' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)

    WHILE (SELECT TOP 1 principal_id FROM #sqlusers) IS NOT NULL


    SELECT TOP 1 @uid = principal_id FROM #sqlusers

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'IF (SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = ''' +

    SUSER_NAME(principal_id) + ''') IS NULL' + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13) +

    'CREATE LOGIN [' + name + '] WITH PASSWORD = ' +

    sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) +

    ' HASHED, SID = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) +

    ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + QUOTENAME(default_database_name) +

    ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + default_language_name +



    WHEN is_expiration_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    ', CHECK_POLICY = ' +


    WHEN is_policy_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    CASE is_disabled

    WHEN 0 THEN ''

    ELSE ';' + CHAR(10) + 'ALTER LOGIN [' + name + '][ DISABLE;'

    END +

    CHAR(10) + 'END'

    FROM master.sys.sql_logins

    WHERE name NOT LIKE '##%' AND name <> 'sa' and

    principal_id = @uid

    PRINT @sql + CHAR(10)

    DELETE FROM #sqlusers WHERE principal_id = @uid

    SELECT @sql = ''


    DROP TABLE #sqlusers


    SELECT @sql = ''


    --Now get the Windows logins, not accounting for certificated logins here


    SELECT principal_id, [type] INTO #winusers FROM sys.server_principals WHERE [type] IN ('U', 'G') AND principal_id > 4

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #winusers) = 0


    SELECT @sql = @sql + '/*No Windows Logins have been found on ' + @@SERVERNAME + '*/'

    PRINT @sql + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)





    SELECT @sql = '/*Scripting all Windows server logins' + CHAR(10) +

    '===================================================================================' + CHAR(13) +

    'Note: these are the users found in the instance ' + @@SERVERNAME + ', but they may not all be valid, check them first*/' +

    CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)

    PRINT @sql

    SELECT @sql = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'USE [master]' + CHAR(13) + 'GO' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)

    WHILE (SELECT TOP 1 principal_id FROM #winusers) IS NOT NULL


    SELECT TOP 1 @uid = principal_id FROM #winusers

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'IF (SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = ''' +

    SUSER_NAME(principal_id) + ''') IS NULL' + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN' + CHAR(13) +

    'CREATE LOGIN [' + name + '] FROM WINDOWS ' +

    'WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + ISNULL(QUOTENAME(default_database_name), '[master]') +

    ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + ISNULL(default_language_name, 'British') +

    CASE is_disabled

    WHEN 0 THEN ''

    ELSE '; ALTER LOGIN [' + name + '][ DISABLE;'

    END +

    CHAR(10) + 'END'

    FROM sys.server_principals WHERE [type] IN ('G', 'U')

    AND name NOT LIKE '##%' AND principal_id = @uid

    PRINT @sql + CHAR(10)

    DELETE FROM #winusers WHERE principal_id = @uid

    SELECT @sql = ''


    DROP TABLE #winusers


    SELECT @sql = ''


    --Now get all the server role assignments


    SELECT sp.principal_id, sp.name as lname, sp2.name as rname INTO #users FROM sys.server_principals sp

    INNER JOIN sys.server_role_members sr ON sp.principal_id = sr.member_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.server_principals sp2 ON sr.role_principal_id = sp2.principal_id

    WHERE sp.[type] IN ('S', 'U', 'G') AND sp.principal_id > 4

    SELECT @sql = '/*Server role assignments*/' + CHAR(13)

    PRINT @sql

    SELECT @sql = ''

    SELECT @sql = 'USE [master]' + CHAR(13) + 'GO' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)

    WHILE (SELECT TOP 1 principal_id FROM #users) IS NOT NULL


    SELECT TOP 1 @uid = principal_id FROM #users

    SELECT@sql = @sql + 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ''' +

    lname + ''', ''' +

    rname + '''' + CHAR(13)

    FROM #users WHERE principal_id = @uid

    PRINT @sql + CHAR(10)

    DELETE FROM #users WHERE principal_id = @uid

    SELECT @sql = ''


    DROP TABLE #users

    SELECT @sql = ''


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thank you.

    When you execute Revlogin

    How to get all logins @ same time. Looks we need each login name as parameter

  • try either procedure i offered, or the one Perry suggested.

    when called with no parameters, it returns all logins.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • ramana3327 (6/25/2015)

    Thank you.

    When you execute Revlogin

    How to get all logins @ same time. Looks we need each login name as parameter

    you'll find my script a lot easier 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry,

    Is the passwords are same as the original passwords?

    One more question about db mapping. Is it automatically map the database access to

  • ramana3327 (6/25/2015)

    Hi Perry,

    Is the passwords are same as the original passwords?

    Yes, as I said above if you're moving between instances that sql server 2008 or lower your passwords are retained as hashes. If you move a login from 2008 or lower to 2012 the password will not be retained.

    ramana3327 (6/25/2015)

    One more question about db mapping. Is it automatically map the database access to

    If you script the login it will retain the logins default database.

    As the script also retains the logins SID from the source server, all database mappings will be fine, there will be no orphaned users


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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