Login Failed: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007052E)

  • Hi. i get this error when running a report from within SQL 2005 RS (with SP1) - it's strange as it's only just started happening, when everything used to work fine.

    Any ideas on a fix for this?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Check that your login is not locked, or expired.

    Also check that the password for the service matches the domain password.

    Did domain passwords for service accounts change recently?


  • Hi. I've checked the Execution Account from within Report Services Configuration, and the username and password matches the UID in Active Directory.

    Also, the reports are being run against an Oracle DB, so the when browsing to the Data Source through HTTP, the username can not be \username. Oddly enough though, it I try to retype the password, and then hit Apply, it says that the password is invalid? I know this is not true, as I'm running the report from within VS2005 on my laptop, against the same data set and it works fine. Only when I deploy to the server and then try and run it from there do I get this error.

    Does this make sense?

  • Found it on another forum.... I just disabled the Execution Account from Reporting Services Configuration and it all worked fine.

    Thanks for your help anyway.


  • Thank you so much. I had the same issue and resolved it by dis-abling the execution account.

    Razi, M.

  • Hi can anyone please help me.... I have the same error:

    when I run this query:

    User Server01

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'MKDIR \\Server02\FolderName'

    it retuned me this error:

    Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

    if I run this command in command prompt in server01

    MKDIR \\ServerName\FolderName

    It goes fine...

    Just in SQL returned error...

    but if I use this instead:

    Use Server02

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'MKDIR \\Server01\FolderName'

    it also works fine.

    It just server01 can't access any of my server using SQL.

    Please help me. I been dealing with this for a week now.


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