Login failed for user 'sa'

  • hi all

    i have recently installed a new instance of SQL server 2008 on a freshly reloaded server, the installation went through fine and everything seemed to look ok.

    i then logged on to the instance through SSMS on the server and it connected, however i then tried to connect to the server through SSMS on another machine on the network and i got the message seen in the subject??

    i have checked and double checked that named pipes and tcp/ip is enabled and on port 1433. the firewall is turned off at present however i did set up the exceptions of the relevant ports anyway.

    i can ping the server no problem, i just cant connect my SSMS to it and i cannot work out why.

    when choosing the server to connect to in SSMS, i have tried the server name and the ip address, yet it still get the same message. i then tried browsing the network servers for databases to connect and it doesnt even appear there?

    am i missing something here?

    i thank you in advance for any feedback you can give me on this.


  • Are you sure the instance is running on port 1433? Verify in the sql server logs.

    Did you try servername, port# or ip, port# ? ie. apollo1, 1433.

    What is the error you get ? the generic connection error?

    Turn windows firewall completely off and test?

    Try connecting via osql to the server?

  • I would suggest try the fully qualifed name in place of just the server name. example: servername.domain_name.com

  • i have checked the logs and it is listening on 1433, although it does say something about admin support listening on 1434??

    i will try the rest in the morning and get back to you.

    it is as if nothing can see that the database exists.

  • More than likely this has to be windows firewall related or dns related. You did say you were running windows 2008 server?

  • Just want to confirm, you are able to login from one machine using the sa account however you get a failure when attempting to use the same sa login from another machine?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • the server is running windows server 2003.

    i can log in as sa or another user on the server itself, however i cannot use either of these to log in to instance when using SSMS from another machine.

    it also seems to show this message when i remote desktop to the actual server and use SSMS on this?? i really cant understand this.

    the windows firewall on the server is turned off, so the firewall shouldnt be causing problems right??

  • here is where i am so far.

    if i try to connect to an instance that doesnt exist, then the SSMS hangs for a few seconds then returns a differet error relating to network issue or instance specific, so my conclusion from this would be that i can access the database, i just cant logon.

    i then checked the event viewer and all my failed login attempts to connect to the instance from my laptop SSMS show that the password does not match. i then double checked i am using the right password, which i am as i can log on to the instance locally when sat at the server.

    i have also tried another different login, but still have no luck.

  • Does remote connections enabled on the server?

    Is SQL Browser Service running on the server?


  • to add to the last post, i have created a user using windows authentication and for some reason that can connect in.

    the sql server is set on mixed mode, so why does this work but not the sql server login?

  • remote connections are enabled and sql server browser is running.

  • Can you post the exact error message that you received while connecting?


  • as i said before, i can log in using the windows authentication now, however the error below is given when connecting the the sql instance from my laptop through SSMS.

    Cannot connect to

    Additional information -->

    Login failed for user 'sa' (Microsoft SQL Server, Error : 18456)

    i also had trouble restarting the sql agent using sql server configuration. it was showing a message to do with wmi, however i could restart the service using services. i am not sure if this is related or not.

  • Hi , if i am wrong sorry for that ,

    from above conversation , i got conclusion , that this the Server authentication problem .

    hope the server is not in mixed mode authentication.

    u may installed in windows authentication mode .

    users also in windows authentication mode ..

  • i have checked the authentication mode and it is mixed.

    i then changed it to windows authentication and then changed it back just to be sure.

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