Login Failed

  • Hi

    What I have is a sql server 2000 sp3 on a windows 2003.  Every thing was working fine until we switch to windows 2003.  Now we get

    microsoft odbc sql server driver sql server login failed for user (null). reason: not associated with a trusted sql server connection.

    It stops everyone from connecting to the server unless you use sa, until SQL services is restarted, then it works fine for about a day. 

    I have tried changing the local security policies.  Before changing the policies it would lock up three times a day.  There is no message in the event log.   

    Any ideas.

  • Hey just go to the instance....right click edit sql server properties and under security tab or some tab...change option to both sql and windows...


    hope this helps!!!

  • It work most of the day, then sql stops working.

  • Have you checked the SQL error log? Are there any jobs scheduled during the time when it stops working?

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