login failed

  • i could not connect to SQLServer 2000 DB.

    The error message while trying to connect to the DB


    this is what i have in my DB


    pleease suggest , how do i able to connect ?

  • Do you use mixed mode authentication (sql or windows authentication)?

  • i think you are asking for this


    How can i solve this problem

  • and one more thing...

    suppose,if i forget my password...then do i have to uninstall SQL server ?

    can i get back passwrd from SQL Server ?

  • I know there's a way to do it but I never had to put it in use so I forgot how.


    Anyway I don't have much else to offer.  Surely somebody will figure this one out for you.

    Good luck!

  • someone please help.

    do you think..i am making mistake in password ?

    do i need to reinstall ?

    is there any way to recover password (i dont think i am putting wrong password but to make sure can i check it?)

    what is the problem actually ? i am not able to diagonise it.

    do i need any patch ?

    do i need to upgrade ?

  • Spectra,

    Are you attempting to connect to the database via an application?  If so then connecting using the sa password is very bad practice due to the sa account having full permission to the SQL Server.  It's best to setup a new login and user fspecific to the application.

    Can you also check if your server is configured for Mixed mode authentication?  Right click the server in EM and select properties, select the 'Security' tab and then check which Authentication option is selected, if it is set to 'Windows only' then you won't be able to use the 'sa' login (or any other SQL Server logins), even if you are getting the password correct.

    If you need to reset your 'sa' Login password you need to login to the server with an NT Login that is a member of the 'BUILTIN\Administrators' active directory group (by default this is any domain administrator account or any account with admin rights on the server), you can then right click the 'sa' login and change the password.



  • Spectra, you didn't type the password wrong, you would have gotten a different error. Please check out this page and see if it makes it clearer what others are trying to say here about trusted connections:


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