login and users

  • i want to know the difference between login and users...

    if a request came, "provide access to the database ABC of the server XYZ" what should i do...will i have to create a new user or a new login and granting access to the particular database....wat will happen if i gave database name as master while giving access to a login

  • A SQL Server login allows a user to connect to a server, whereas a

    database user is associated with a login to allow specific permissions

    on that database. A login is the base concept, and a dbuser inherits

    from that.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • if a request came, "provide access to the database ABC of the server XYZ" what should i do...will i have to create a new user or a new login and granting access to the particular database....wat will happen if i gave database name as master while giving access to a login

    It means you have to provide a new login to access the database ABC of server XYZ.You have to create new login and map the to that particular user

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • shanila_minnu (5/20/2009)

    i want to know the difference between login and users...

    if a request came, "provide access to the database ABC of the server XYZ" what should i do...will i have to create a new user or a new login and granting access to the particular database....wat will happen if i gave database name as master while giving access to a login

    Ok so firstly welcome and secondly it is important that you understand the difference.


    A login is a record in the master database which gives access to the sql server (that’s not to say that any specific database access is implied, though this can be done via 'server roles'). There are two types of logins available in sql 2005. One is the sql login which is local to the server with its own password and sid stored in master. The second is Windows/NT accounts; these can be either NT accounts (local or domain) or groups. These accounts are essentially lookups to the DC (or account control service) to verify the authenticity of the credentials (also known as single sign-on).


    A useer is a 'Database User', this is essentially a shortcut or lookup store in the ABC database which records the fact that a 'Login' has access to do 'stuff'. The database ABC stores the logins SID and name (these must match up; ie, there can be complications when moving between servers (sql account) and domains (NT account).

    To answer your questions; if a request comes to give a 'person' access who doesnt already have a 'Login', you must create a login on the sql server (sql or NT). Master as default database is the default (but without additional rights the cant do anything). You then create a Database User (can be done at login creation 'User Mappings') which gives the specific database access.

    Hope that’s clear. If in doubt do a BOL search or let me know.

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • how can we map a login to a user

  • how can we map a login to the user

  • why? has the database come from another server and already has users (orphaned)?

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • When you create a login in SSMS, you have the chance to create and map a user at the same time.

    If the login exists, CREATE USER will help you.

    If they are orphaned, sp_change_users_login will help.

    read books online for explanations.

  • i am using sql 2000 server

  • The same thing applies, in Enterprise Manager, when you create a login, you can create and map it to a user.

  • In Enterprise Manager, when you create a login, you can create and map it to a user.

    Go to properties of login choose properties--> mapping then map to perticular database.

  • In the properties of newly created login goto usermapping.There you can map databses to users and give them appropriate privileges

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

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