September 28, 2007 at 11:17 am
how to create log detail for each task in ssis. for example
in data transfer i need to get how many rows inserted in my table
in my log file.
October 9, 2007 at 8:38 am
I would also like to hear any ideas about this issue. The task-level logging provided by DTS was helpful for not only evaluating past history, but also for determining which task was actually being executed in real time. How do we do this in SSIS? I've been reviewing the SSIS logging literature and so far, it appears to be much more limited than what we had in DTS. Any comments? Any ideas or suggestions for implementing this functionality?
October 10, 2007 at 5:08 am
Logging in SSIS is different from DTS.
There are a few ways to obtain the row count from a Data Flow Task. The OnPipelineRowsSent event will provide information in the Message column of sysdtslog90 that looks like [font="Courier New"]"Rows were provided to a data flow component as input. : : 21 : OLE DB Source Output : 16 : Flat File Destination : 17 : Flat File Destination Input : 397"[/font].
One OnInformation event (provided you are logging OnInformation events) will log a Message similar to [font="Courier New"]"component "Flat File Destination" (16)" wrote 397 rows."[/font].
You could add a RowCount to the Data Flow Task that pushes the number of rows into a variable, then use a Script Task to fire an OnInformation event (provided you are logging OnInformation events) with code similar to:
Dim iRowCount As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Dts.Variables("RowCount").Value)
Dts.Events.FireInformation(-123, "", iRowCount.ToString & " rows sent", "", 1, True)
You could create a custom logging solution as well. I blog about that here, and you can also use concepts and code here and here.
Hope this helps,
Andy Leonard, Chief Data Engineer, Enterprise Data & Analytics
October 10, 2007 at 6:24 am
Thanks, Andy. I suspected that a custom solution was probably the way to go, but I haven't seen any details anyone was willing to share. I appreciate the links to your blogs...they look excellent and I'll pass these along to our ETL developers. I'm also going to encourage them to start tracking your blogs, in addition to
October 10, 2007 at 8:27 am
Thank You Andy
for Sharing your knowledge with us.
October 10, 2007 at 5:25 pm
You're most welcome! Thanks to Steve and the Red-Gate folks for this forum.
:{> Andy
Andy Leonard, Chief Data Engineer, Enterprise Data & Analytics
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