Logging error in text file

  • I am using SSIS 2005. I am already using in built logging like on error, on warning,on task failure etc into my package. I want to write some custom log info to the log text file (which package creates at run time using SSIS log provider).

    Suppose my package executes 5 task one by one so i need to write log like

    "Before executing task1"

    "End executing task1"

    "Package running for date" '+(any varaible value)+'

    "Before executing task2"

    "End executing task2"


    ...... and so on. please help.

  • A totally reasonable and useful request. Unfortunately, I don't believe there's a way to do exactly what you're describing. I've tried to do this in the past, and didn't find an ideal solution. One suggestion is to create a dummy task (ex: a SQL task that just executes SELECT 1 ) named as what you want to appear in the log file. I'll admit it's a kludge, and would only handle static messages, not where the message is dependent upon a variable.

    A fairly common approach is to create your own logging table(s) and populate them manually.

    Brian Kukowski
  • Or you can capture the events using event handlers and scripting the components that suit your need

    Raunak J

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